
What war did German won?

What war did German won?

German Empire (1871–1918)

Conflict Combatant 1 Reichskanzler
Franco-German War (1870–1871) Germany Otto von Bismarck
First Samoan Civil War (1886–1894) Supporters of Laupepa Germany
Abushiri Revolt (1888–1889) Germany United Kingdom
Hehe Rebellion (1891–1898) Germany Leo von Caprivi

Did Germany ever win ww1?

The Germans were very close to winning WWI in the later stages of the conflict. The Germans had already won WWII in the early stages of the conflict. They were on the way to losing shortly thereafter. By 1917, Germany was in a difficult position, but they had almost achieved victory.

Who defeated Germany in ww2?

the Soviet Union
After the Allied invasion of France, Germany was conquered by the Soviet Union from the east and the other Allies from the west, and capitulated in May 1945. Hitler’s refusal to admit defeat led to massive destruction of German infrastructure and additional war-related deaths in the closing months of the war.

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Has Germany ever won a war against England?

By the end of October 1940, Hitler called off his planned invasion of Britain and the Battle of Britain ended. Both sides suffered enormous loss of life and aircraft. Still, Britain weakened the Luftwaffe and prevented Germany from achieving air superiority. It was the first major defeat of the war for Hitler.

Is Germany still an occupied country?

The Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) becomes a sovereign state when the United States, France and Great Britain end their military occupation, which had begun in 1945.

What would have happened if Germany had won WWII?

If Germany won the war, it follows that only this would occur if the Axis Powers had jointly won the war. If Moscow fell during the siege, then quite possibly the Communist government would have either sued for peace or a revolution would have occurred with the ouster of the Communists.

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What was Germany like before World War 1?

Germany before World War I Germany is the first port-of-call in any study of the origins of World War I. Germany before World War I was a nation struggling to assert its place in the world . Its leader, Kaiser Wilhelm II, was an ambitious nationalist cursed with impatience and recklessness.

What problems did Germany face after World War I?

The two main problems that Germany faced after World War I were that it had been stripped of its military and forced to pay harsh reparations. Hitler claimed that he would being back Germany’s military and get people back to work–thus ending Germany’s shame.

What are the four main causes of World War One?

There were four main causes of World War I: militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism. The first world war was a direct result of these four main causes, but it was triggered by the assassination of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. Militarism was a cause of the war because the war was an “arms race” with Britain, France and Germany competing to build larger armies and navies.