What was the most effective anti-aircraft gun ww2?

What was the most effective anti-aircraft gun ww2?

FHCAM – 88 mm Flak 37 Anti-Aircraft Gun. The “88” was the most famous and feared artillery weapon of World War II.

Was ww2 flak effective?

“Flak in the Second World War was very effective. Most of the official Allied histories downplayed its role. Low and medium level flak was even more effective. More American 8th Air Force aces were shot down by flak than enemy fighters.”

How did ww2 anti-aircraft guns work?

Anti-aircraft guns fire during World War II. Air defenders using timed fuses had to fire a lot of rounds to bring anything down. While flak and other timed-burst weapons could bring down planes, it typically took entire batteries firing at high rates to actually down anything.

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Can anti-aircraft gun destroy tank?

An anti-tank gun is a form of artillery designed to destroy tanks and other armored fighting vehicles, normally from a static defensive position. To penetrate armor, they fired specialized ammunition from longer barrels to achieve a higher muzzle velocity than field guns.

Are AA guns obsolete?

Are anti aircraft guns obsolete in modern warfare? – Quora. No not in the least, though most are radar guided and automated rather then using optical sights. Anti-aircraft guns are very effective against drones, helicopters and low flying jets engaged in close ground support missions.

How much did an 88mm shell weigh?

The 8.8 cm KwK 43 (Kampfwagenkanone —”fighting vehicle cannon”) was an 88 mm 71 calibre length tank gun designed by Krupp and used by the German Wehrmacht during the Second World War….8.8 cm KwK 43.

8,8 cm KwK 43
Shell weight 7.3 kg (16 lb) Armor-piercing composite rigid (APCR) Pzgr 40/43
Calibre 88 mm (3.46 in)
Elevation -8° to +15°
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How effective were anti-aircraft weapons in WW1?

To determine the effectiveness, they used “Rounds Per Bird” as the basic metric. So here’s a summary table for the primary anti-aircraft weapons used: So .30-caliber machine guns were very ineffective. The 5″ guns were pretty effective, and much more so when firing the variable-fuse shells.

How effective was US shipboard anti-aircraft artillery in WWII?

US shipboard anti-aircraft artillery in WWII was pretty effective. The Bofors 40mm gun was the most effective AA naval weapon. About 7,600-7,800 enemy aircraft came within AA range of US ships during WWII. Of these, 2,773 were shot down by AA, and another 314 were lost through crashes (suicide crashes) on US ships.

Could anti-aircraft guns make a difference?

This is where anti-aircraft guns could make a huge difference. ( Above: The first anti-aircraft guns were hastily-converted quick-firing field guns, in this case pedestal-mounted on the back of a lorry.)

How effective was AA against dive bombers?

AA or flak was a problem for those bombers but it was sort of like throwing rocks into the air in front of the bombers and then letting them fly into them. This type of AA was not very effective at dive bombers or attacks against ocean shipping and Navy combat ships.