
What was the problem with Dhritarashtra?

What was the problem with Dhritarashtra?

Hindered by his handicap, Dhritarashtra is unable to wield weapons, but has the strength of one hundred thousand elephants due to boon given by Vyasa, and is said to be so strong that he can crush iron with his bare hands.

Who was given the divine vision to see what was happening on the battlefield during the Mahabharata war?

Sanjaya — who has the gift of seeing events at a distance (divya-drishti) right in front of him, granted by the sage Vyasa — narrates to Dhritarashtra the action in the climactic battle of Kurukshetra, which includes the Bhagavad Gita.

Why Dhritarashtra was not made king?

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The throne of Kurukshetra fell to the prince Dhritarashtra, but he was blind and therefore, according to custom, not eligible to rule. Pandu, his younger brother, became king instead, but he renounced the throne and retired as a hermit to the Himalayas; Dhritarashtra then became king.

How did Shakuni survive?

Knowing that Shakuni is the wisest among them and most able to take revenge, the prisoners give all their food to Shakuni so that he can survive. Eventually, Subala and his other sons die, while Shakuni survives and is released.

Why did Maharishi Vyasa ask Dhritarashtra for a divine vision?

Maharishi Vyasa tells Dhritarashtra that if he wants divine vision, he himself could accept it. Dhritarashtra, fearing that he might have to witness the deaths of his sons and his army, refuses to accept it and asks him to grant Sanjay the divine vision.

What did Dhritarashtra do to Duryodhana?

Dhritaraashtra, in his son-fascination, destroyed the entire dynasty and country. Dhiritarashtra could have curbed his son’s stubbornness and guilt if he wanted to, but he did nothing of the sort and indirectly gave Duryodhana the wrong to err. Due to the extreme injustice done to the Pandavas, the Mahabharata war took place.

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Who was Dhritarashtra in Mahabharata?

In the Mahabharata, Dhritarashtra was the son of Ambika, the first partner of Maharaja Vichitravirya of Hastinapur. He was born as an advantage to Maharishi Ved Vyas. These visually impaired Maharaj of Hastinapur was the father of a hundred sons and one daughter. His wife’s name was Gandhari.

What does Sanjay report to Dhritarashtra about the Battle?

During the battle, Sanjay reports everything to Dhritarashtra in great detail. Clear, honest and without taking sides, Sanjay never turns away from reporting the loss of his master’s sons in the battlefield, though it’s an excruciating job telling a parent the gruesome death of his sons at the hands of the Pandavas.