Tips and tricks

What was the sea level 12000 years ago?

What was the sea level 12000 years ago?

It began around 12,000 years ago when the glaciers of the last ice age had retreated back to as far as Scandinavia. At that time sea level stood about 80 metres below its present level.

Have oceans ever been higher than they are today?

The last time the sea level was higher than today was during the Eemian, about 130,000 years ago. Over a shorter timescale, the low level reached during the LGM rebounded in the early Holocene, between about 14,000 and 6,000 years ago, and sea levels have been comparatively stable over the past 6,000 years.

What would happen if you went to the deep ocean?

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Travel to 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) below the ocean’s surface and most organisms with gas-filled spaces (e.g., lungs) would be crushed by the pressures that other deep-sea life experience. Light is virtually absent in the deep ocean, which means that deep-sea organisms cannot rely on vision for feeding, avoiding being eaten, or mating.

How much more land is showing than the ocean?

At 11,515, the coasts around all the landmass have been exposed with some areas of the Arctic showing as well It is safe to say that at around 13,000 feet of a drop in sea level, more land is showing than ocean At a decrease of 16,437 feet in sea level, there are only patches of ocean water on the planet, which are some deep sea trenches

What would happen to the world without the oceans?

Well, without the oceans, the world loses 97\% of its water. The small amount of liquid left wouldn’t be enough to sustain the water cycle. The pools of drinkable water would evaporate pretty fast. In a matter of days, people and most animals would die from dehydration. Plants would have a few weeks before they started decaying in the dry air.

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What would the earth look like if the oceans were drained?

Clip shows what the Earth would look like if the oceans were drained with land appearing at around 459 feet The central area of the ocean begins to appear at depths of 6,500ft and by 19,685 feet the water is gone However, areas with deep sea trenches still have some remnants of ocean water like the Marianas Trench