
What would happen if nobody cleaned your neighborhood?

What would happen if nobody cleaned your neighborhood?

If there is nobody to clean our streets and home then there would be garbage everywhere and this will lead to the following: Diseases like cholera will prevail around the entire city. Eventually, one cannot survive on the area and people start migrating to some other places.

What would happen if there was nobody to clean your streets and home?

if there was nobody to clean our streets and home then the air would be contaminated by the dirt and pollutions. factories and companies produce toxic waste materials that would intoxicate the environment. apart from that we could experience sanitary related health diseases such as cholera among others.

What would happen if nobody cleans the street or clear the garbage?

If nobody would clear the garbage lying outside our school or our house there would be- i a lot of garbage accumulated here and there on the roads. ii the place would become very filthy and foul smelling iii a lot of mosquitoes and other germs would breed in these areas and spread diseases.

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What would happen if the house is not cleaned?

If you don’t clean, your family could develop some serious allergies and breathing issues. An explosion of dust mites can cause symptoms such as nasal congestion, cough, watery eyes, a runny nose, and sneezing. Ignored symptoms can further lead to more serious conditions such as asthma.

Why is it important to keep our community clean?

“It is also important to keep our community clean so that humans, animals, and plants are not exposed to pollutants that can harm them. If we don’t have a clean environment, then pollution can spread and nature will be impacted. I don’t want plants to die because that is what makes a clean community,” Robinson added.

What happens if your sweeper does not clean the road for a week?

Answer: If the sweeper does not clean the road for a week, then the whole road becomes dumped with debris and waste. Sweepers are actually the saviors of the environment since their main duty is to sweep and keep the streets clean from debris falling from trees and plants and to remove other solid wastes.

What happens if you don’t clean your kitchen?

It’s very important to keep worktops and chopping boards clean because they touch the food you are going to eat. If they aren’t properly clean, bacteria could spread to food and make you ill.

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Why is it important to keep our home clean?

Cleaning every week will help avoid allergies or other breathing problems. Avoid spreading germs: Keeping your house clean will stop the spread of germs and help keep you healthy. Cleaning up spills, vacuuming your carpets, and keeping your kitchen and bathroom clean will kill germs.

What will happen to the community if the environment is not clean?

A Clean Environment Is Essential for Healthy Living: The more you don’t care about our environment, the more it will become polluted with contaminants and toxins that have a harmful impact on our health. Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases and cancer, among other problems and diseases.

Why is it important to keep the streets clean?

Why is Street Sweeping Important? Street sweeping is important because it helps you maintain a clean city environment, improving the overall quality of life for residents. People who live on clean streets are also more likely to make efforts to keep their neighborhoods looking nice.

Why is it important to keep our city clean?

What happens when you don’t clean your apartment?

6 Gross Things That Happen When You Don’t Clean 1. Dust Mites Will Move In & Make Your Allergies Worse. If you don’t dust or vacuum, your apartment will turn into an… 2. Your Bathroom Will Become A Biohazard. Bathrooms can seem sort of self-cleaning. I mean, the shower is full of soapy… 3. Those

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Why is it our duty to keep our city clean?

When we cannot stay in a house which is not clean, then how can we stay in a city which is not clean and tidy. It is our duty to keep our city clean, not only for us, but also for the people visiting our city and for also for the future generations.

Do you put off cleaning around the house until absolutely necessary?

Unless you’re a total neat freak, you probably put off cleaning around the house until absolutely necessary. Laziness strikes — and so does the dust — and before long you’re living in total filth.

Can we live in a place full of waste and odor?

We will not be able to live in a place which is full of waste and bad odor all around. In fact, no one can live in such an untidy place. We all clean our houses, our clothes, the utensils we eat in, and most importantly ourselves and that to everyday.