
What would have happened if Harry sided with Voldemort?

What would have happened if Harry sided with Voldemort?

Though to answer the question if Harry did join forces with Voldemort, he would be killed because throughout the series Voldemort betrays many of his followers and kills them and the goal Voldemort has set for himself throughout the series was to kill Harry and gain the prophecy.

What if Harry joined Slytherin?

Plot-wise, having Harry be in Slytherin would have resulted in Dumbledore being much more aware of his connection to Voldemort. Harry’s determination to face Voldemort wouldn’t have changed if he had been in Slytherin because it wouldn’t have changed the fact that Voldemort killed his parents.

Was Lily Evans a Death Eater?

Past James Potter/Lily Evans Potter – Relationship. James Potter/wrong end of Voldemort’s wand. Sirius Black/wrong end of Lily Evans’s wand. Lucius Malfoy/poor thinking under crisis.

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How did Harry Potter kill Voldemort?

The Elder wand flew into Harry’s hand thus Harry was now casting avada kedavra at Voldemort. Voldemort died from that Avada Kedavra. Harry didn’t kill Voldemort as much as he killed himself and Expelliarmus had little to do with it except by shielding Harry until the Elder wand flew to him. There was no backfiring.

Who told Voldemort where the Elder Wand was?

In short, it was Gellert Grindelwald who told Voldemort that the Elder Wand was in the grave of Albus Dumbledore .

Did Voldemort kill his parents?

Voldemort killed his parents because they were in his way of killing Harry, the baby they both had sacrificed their lives to protect. He wanted to kill Harry because according to a prophecy, Harry was destined to destroy Voldemort.

Why didn t Harry Potter die?

The reason Harry didn’t die was NOT because he was Master of Death, or because he physically touched the Stone. It was because Voldemort took Harry’s blood into his body at the end of GoF when he created a new body for himself – and Lily’s sacrificial protection was deeply tied to that blood.