
When in your cycle do you start birth control pills?

When in your cycle do you start birth control pills?

The best time to start taking the birth control pill is on the first day of your menstrual period, because then no additional protection is needed. The birth control pill comes into effect right away.

How do you take birth control pills for the first time?

How to Get Started

  1. First-day start. Take your first pill the day you get your period. Pregnancy protection kicks in right away, so you won’t need a backup contraceptive.
  2. Quick start. You take the first pill in your pack right away.
  3. Sunday start. Many pill packs are arranged to start on this day.
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Do you start birth control pills on the first day of your period?

First Day Start – Take your first pill during the first 24 hours of your menstrual cycle. No back-up contraceptive method is needed when the pill is started the first day of your menses. Sunday Start – Wait until the first Sunday after your menstrual cycle begins to take your first pill.

Can you stop taking birth control for a month and then start again?

Yup! You can totally save those unused packs of birth control and take them at a later time when you decide to start using the pill again — just make sure that the packs are full (no missing pills) and they’re not expired when you want to take them again (check the expiration date on the wrapper).

What happens if I start birth control right before my period?

If you take your first pill within five days of your period, you’re protected immediately. However, if you want to start sooner and your period isn’t for a few weeks, you can still begin taking your birth control pills, but you won’t be protected right away.

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What to expect when you stop taking the pill?

Some people may experience longer-term changes in their menstrual cycle after they stop taking the pill. Without birth control hormones regulating it, the menstrual cycle may change. It may become more irregular or start to follow a different schedule. Some people may experience heavier or more painful periods.

When should I stop taking birth control?

But at what age do you need to stop? You should be taking birth control up until menopause (when menstruation has stopped for at least 12 consecutive months). But since each woman is different and the age range for reaching natural menopause is wide, there’s no one age that’s right for all women to stop birth control.