
Where can I buy time material for CAT?

Where can I buy time material for CAT?

Note: YOU WILL GET LATEST EDITION 2020-2021. TIME CAT MBA Study material are most demanded by business management and MBA Entrance exams. Top Institute Study Material….TIME Study Material 2020-2021 For CAT And MBA Exam (Paperback, T.I.M.E)

Book TIME Study Material 2020-2021 For CAT And MBA Exam
Publisher TIME
Edition 1

Where can I get free study material for my CAT?

HitBullsEye’s Study Material & Question Bank – HitBullsEye is a CAT-coaching organisations set-up by a team of IIM and XLRI alumni. They provide free study material, formulae lists, and question banks for all three sections of CAT.

Can you prepare for CAT in 3 months?

For those who are in doubt whether they can crack CAT in 3 months or not, the answer is yes you can. In this article, we will give you a step-by-step study plan that will help you in preparing for CAT in this little but enough time that you have. Therefore, let us deep-dive into the study plan and get cracking!

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What is in the online cat preparation course?

The Online CAT Preparation Course contains a set of 1000+ video tutorials covering all the basic and advance concepts of Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Verbal Ability, and Reading Comprehension. They also contain previous year CAT questions with various shortcuts, tips, and tricks.

Is there any substitute of cat self study in exam preparation?

There is no substitute of CAT self study in exam preparation as it does not require any coaching until and unless you are stuck. Experts therefore, recommend that you should start your preparation without coaching and through self study and later make it a mix of CAT self study as well as help from coaching to avoid wastage of time.

Why choose BYJU’s for CAT exam preparation?

At BYJU’S, candidates are provided with various CAT sample papers, previous year question papers, mock tests along with the latest syllabus and pattern of the exam. CAT aspirants can also get numerous study materials and engaging video lessons for more effective CAT exam preparation.

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Can final year students apply for cat 2021?

Ans – To appear for the CAT exam, a candidate should have at least 50\% marks or equivalent GPA in graduation or a professional degree. Final year students are also eligible to apply for CAT Exam. So, if you will graduate in 2022, you can appear for CAT 2021 exam.