Tips and tricks

Where do army doctors get stationed?

Where do army doctors get stationed?

Most Army doctors are deployed overseas at some point (though not necessarily to a war zone), away from their families. And keep in mind that once you enlist, it’s your superior officers who decide where you go and what you do. They will try to honor your preferences, but there are no guarantees.

How often do military doctors move?

Deployed combat docs move with their unit every 3 months for training and back to another deployment. The position is usually for 18-24 months, then another combat position or clinical or HQ position, again for 18 months. Non combat doctors serve 18-24 months at the same unit, the same place.

What is it like to live on a military base?

Base living tends to be pretty safe, since bases are gated and guarded at all hours. Parents often feel safe letting their kids walk to the neighbors’ house or to the playground. Adults sit on their porches at night, and have barbecues on the weekends, and you don’t have to worry if you forget to lock your car.

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Do you have to live on base in the military?

Generally, military housing is provided for all service members, whether they’re living on or off base. There may be exceptions to this rule, which you can discuss with a recruiter. Otherwise, with the abundance of housing options, most service members will be able to find housing that fits their needs.

Where do single members of the military live?

Single military members will most likely be spending the first few years of their military career living in the barracks, dormitories, or onboard ship depending on your branch of service. Living off base at military expense (receiving housing allowance) may not occur until you make E-4,

How do you live in the military with dependents?

Living in Military Family Housing or Living Off-Base. Members who have dependents usually have the option of living on-base in the military family housing for free, or off-base and receive a monthly housing allowance.

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Can a single person live off base in the Navy?

Navy policy allows E-5 and above and E-4s with more than four years of service who are still single to reside off base and receive a housing allowance. Marine Corps allow E-6s and above who are single to live off base at government expense.