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Where does the term fleeced come from?

Where does the term fleeced come from?

1530s in the literal sense of “to strip (a sheep) of fleece,” from fleece (n.). From 1570s in the figurative meaning “to cheat, swindle, strip of money.” Related: Fleeced; fleecer; fleecing.

What does fleecing mean in the Bible?

: FLEECING THE LORD – To “fleece” someone ordinarily means “to strip of money or belongings, to rob or cheat: ‘The gamblers fleeced him of all his money.” The term takes its meaning from fleece, “the wool that covers the skin of a sheep or similar animal: ‘Spring clipping of sheep cleans the animals of their long …

What does it mean to get rooked?

A swindler or cheat, especially at games. tr.v. rooked, rook·ing, rooks. To swindle; cheat: Customers are afraid of being rooked by unscrupulous vendors. [Middle English rok, from Old English hrōc.]

What is fleece example?

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Fleece is defined as the fur or coat from a sheep or similar animal, or a fabric that has a similar texture. An example of fleece is the coat of a sheep. An example of fleece is the soft, warm fabric used to line hooded sweatshirts.

Why Australia is called Land of Golden fleece?

Australia is known as the “Home of the Golden Fleece” because of its large sheep population and wool production. The nickname “Land of the Golden Fleece” can either refer to the countries of Georgia or Australia.

What is sheep fleece?

The term ‘fleece’ refers to the woollen coat obtained after a sheep or ram is sheared, a task undertaken once a year at the end of spring. The skin from these animals, tanned with its wool and used to make warm clothing, is known as sheepskin. The fleece is of course the sheep’s distinctive feature.

Who killed 70 brothers and sisters to become king?

Abimelech declared king Since Abimelech was merely a son of Gideon’s concubine, he made good of his claim to rule over Manasseh by killing his half-brothers.

Who tested God?

They “tested” Him by making Him prove His faithfulness all over again. Years later, Moses looks back on this event and warns the people: “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test, as you tested Him at Massah.” This is the verse Jesus quotes when Satan tempts Him in the wilderness.

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Why is chess piece called rook?

“Originally, the rook symbolized a chariot. The Persian word rokh means chariot, and the corresponding pieces in Oriental chess games such as xiangqi and shogi have names meaning chariot. Persian War Chariots were heavily armoured, carrying a driver and at least one ranged-weapon bearer, such as an archer.

How would you describe fleece?

Fleece is the outer coat of wool that covers a sheep, goat, llama, or similar animal, as in Wool made from a sheep’s fleece can be scratchy, but wool from llama’s fleece is soft and buttery. Coats and jackets made with polyester with a soft, silky pile are commonly referred to as fleeces.

What does fleece feel like?

The thick, woolly pile of its brushed side feels silky and velvety to the touch. You will often find sherpa described as “luxurious,” “cozy,” and “super soft.” The softness of fleece varies a lot. Some fleece fabrics may feel a bit scratchy to the touch, though others, like polar fleece, generally feel pretty soft.

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What does it mean to genuflect?

Definition of genuflect. intransitive verb. 1a : to bend the knee. b : to touch the knee to the floor or ground especially in worship genuflected before the altar. 2 : to be humbly obedient or respectful bureaucrats who genuflect before the governor.

What does being flattered mean?

Definition of flattered. : made to feel pleased by something gratifying (such as an honor or a sign or respect or deference) I was very flattered to be asked to attend. The honoree was clearly flattered. Or at least he smiled broadly.— Erich Segal .

Where can I buy Fleece?

Many fashion retailers already know this. Companies such as L.L. Bean and The North Face, for example, have entire lines of fleece fabric clothing from base layer items to outerwear. Do-it-yourselfers can buy their own plush fleece fabric by the yard in bulk to make more customized clothing for themselves, family, friends, and even pets.

What does fleece-lined mean?

What Does Fleece Lined Mean? Definition of fleece-lined. 1: lined with fleece. 2 of knit goods : having a heavily fleeced inner surface. Are Leggings Good For Cold Weather?