
Where is Cartesian plane used in real life?

Where is Cartesian plane used in real life?

The Cartesian coordinate plane of x and y works well with many simple situations in real life. For instance, if you are planning where to place different pieces of furniture in a room, you can draw a two-dimensional grid representing the room and use an appropriate unit of measurement.

How do you represent a point in the Cartesian plane?

The position of a point on a Cartesian plane is represented by referring to it in terms of a horizontal line and a vertical line, which are called the x-axis and y-axis respectively. The point of intersection of the x-axis and the y-axis is called the origin. Often, we draw a set of axes on graph paper as shown below.

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What can Cartesian planes be used for?

Cartesian coordinates are also essential tools for most applied disciplines that deal with geometry, including astronomy, physics, engineering and many more. They are the most common coordinate system used in computer graphics, computer-aided geometric design and other geometry-related data processing.

What are some practical real life applications of coordinate geometry?

Applications of coordinate geometry

  • It is used to find the distance between two points.
  • It is used to find the ratio of dividing lines in the m:n ratio.
  • It is used to find the mid-point of a line.
  • It is used to calculate the area of a triangle in the Cartesian plane.

What is coordinates in Cartesian plane?

The Cartesian coordinates (also called rectangular coordinates) of a point are a pair of numbers (in two-dimensions) or a triplet of numbers (in three-dimensions) that specified signed distances from the coordinate axis.

What are coordinates of a point?

The coordinates of a point are a pair of numbers that define its exact location on a two-dimensional plane. Recall that the coordinate plane has two axes at right angles to each other, called the x and y axis. The coordinates of a given point represent how far along each axis the point is located.

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What is meant by Cartesian plane?

A Cartesian plane (named after French mathematician Rene Descartes, who formalized its use in mathematics) is defined by two perpendicular number lines: the x-axis, which is horizontal, and the y-axis, which is vertical. Using these axes, we can describe any point in the plane using an ordered pair of numbers.

Why is Cartesian plane important?

Either way, the Cartesian coordinate system is one of Descartes’ most important legacies (although he was not the only person to have the idea). It allows us to answer geometric problems using algebra and to visualise algebraic relationships that would otherwise remain quite abstract.

How does geometry relate to real life?

5 Uses Geometry in Our Daily Life

  1. Construction of Buildings. The best use of geometry in daily life is the construction of the building, dams, rivers, roads, temples, etc.
  2. Computer Graphics.
  3. Art.
  4. Measuring Orbits and Planetary Motions.
  5. Interior Design.

What is the importance of coordinate geometry in real life?

The coordinate geometry is an important branch of mathematics. It mainly helps us to locate the points in a plane. Its uses are spread in all fields like trigonometry, calculus ,dimensional geometry etc.