
Where is Nucule found?

Where is Nucule found?

The correct answer is Chara. ‘Globule’ and ‘Nucule’ are found in Chara. The globule is the male reproductive part and the nucule is the female reproductive part. The nucule or the oogonium lies above the globule or antheridium.

What is Nucule class 11?

by Biology experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 11 exams. In the alga chara, the female sex organ is called Oogonium or Nucule. It is located above the male sex organ called Antheridium or Globule.

What is globule and Nucule in Chara?

Sexual reproduction in Chara is oogamous. The male sex organ is a spherical structure which is yellow in color and is called antheridium or globule. The female sex organ is oval shaped green colored structure and is called oogonium or nucule.

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What is pedicel cell in Chara?

The pedicel cell remains undivided and forms stalk of the nucule. The middle one undergoes several vertical divisions thus 5 sheath initials are formed which surround a central cell (Fig. 3.96C, D). The oogonial mother cell divides transversely and forms lower stalk cell and upper egg (Fig.

What is Chara globule?

What do you infer from the term Pycnoxylic?

ANSWER: In biological term, pycnoxylic is defined as the highly intense hardwood present due to the presence of secondary xylem in abundance. EXPLANATION: The pycnoxylic wood is a type of wood which has a little amount of parenchyma tissue in it.

Do ducks eat Chara?

Chara is consumed by many species of ducks and provides habitat or shelter for invertebrates and small fish. Submerged portions of all aquatic plants provide habitats for many micro and macro invertebrates.

What is globule and nucule in Chara?

What is the difference between globule and nucule?

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Each node bears both the sex organs (Nucule i.e., female and globule i.e., male) and secondary laterals. Nucule is situated above the globule. ADVERTISEMENTS: 5.

What is Plectostele give example?

Plectostele: Xylem plates alternates with phloem plates. Example: Lycopodium clavatum.

What does Chara smell like?

Chara is often called muskgrass or skunkweed because of its foul, musty almost garlic-like odor.

What is giant duckweed?

Giant duckweed is a native floating plant in Florida. Though very small, it is the largest of the duckweeds. Spirodela polyrhiza is frequently found growing in rivers, ponds, lakes, and sloughs from the peninsula west to the central panhandle of Florida (Wunderlin, 2003).