
Where is the clearest English spoken?

Where is the clearest English spoken?

FOR years, the people of Inverness have revelled in the proud boast that they speak the best English on the planet. Their clear and melodious pronunciation of the language has been applauded by linguistic experts and dialect experts across the globe.

What state in the United States speaks the most proper English?

West Virginia has the highest rate, with over 97 percent of households speaking English at home. German remains a common third language for many states, with over a million speakers nationwide.

Is there an American accent that is neutral?

All accents in the United States exist relative to General American, which is the name given to the American accent that has “neutral” characteristics.

What is the weirdest accent in America?

America’s wang is well known for its tourist attractions and for producing the weirdest headlines in the country, from bath salts to diaper-clad astronauts. To replicate the accent heard here, huff the nearest paint can, grab a piña colada, and find an alligator to gnaw on your toe.

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Where in the US is there a generic American accent?

Central Ohio in the area around Columbus (North American Midland) is probably close enough to this generic accent of which I am speaking, as well as, through central Indiana and Illinois. Below are a couple of Youtube samples that I think fit the more “generic” American accent type. These are from Iowa and Missouri, respectively.

Do Michiganders think their accents are correct?

A 1996 study of Michiganders’ beliefs about their own accents asked them to rank states based on how “correct” their accents are, and found that by far, Michiganders ranked the English of Michigan as the “most correct.” The “least correct,” according to Michiganders, was Alabama, and the only states that sounded near to as correct as Michigan?