Tips and tricks

Where is the white hot room?

Where is the white hot room?

the Phoenix
History. The White Hot Room is a realm that serves both as the afterlife and a base of operations for the Phoenix. The White Hot Room also resides in the M’kraan Crystal, which is a nexus of realities and contains a Neutron galaxy.

What is the White Phoenix?

The White Phoenix is the ultimate cosmic power, able to manipulate time and space on a level far beyond even the Dark Phoenix. She had a heartfelt talk with Death and learned more about her importance to the Phoenix Force, but the meaning behind her costume change is never mentioned.

Is White Phoenix omnipotent?

White Phoenix of The Crown is omnipotent(All powerful), omniscient(all knowing), omnipresent(everywhere) and Omniversal. White Phoenix of The Crown is Omniversal. There is a Phoenix in every universe and she controls them all.

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Why does the Phoenix Force need a host?

The primary reason is that the Phoenix Force is most compatible with psionic entities and Jean Grey is amongst the most powerful of them: being an Omega level mutant. The Phoenix Force considers Jean Grey to be its perfect host. So much so that it is willing to ressurect her for continued use.

What does the phrase white hot mean?

1 : being at or radiating white heat. 2a : extremely hot. b : exhibiting or marked by extreme fervor or zeal white-hot enthusiasm.

What is the void Marvel?

The Void is the black and destructive entity that bonded to Robert Reynolds when he became the Sentry, and acts as a counterforce and embodiment of his negative aspects. When talking to and teasing Sentry, it normally uses human form. It is capable of destroying the Earth, if not the entire universe.

Who is stronger Scarlet Witch or phoenix?

1 Scarlet Witch The Scarlet Witch has enormous powers as a Nexus Being and user of Chaos Magic. She has also defeated the Phoenix Force in battle.

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Where does the expression white hot come from?

white-hot (adj.) “heated to full incandescence,” 1820, from white (adj.) + hot (adj.). White heat is from 1710; figurative sense of “state of intense or extreme emotion” first recorded 1839.

What is white hot passion?

intensely zealous or fervid. “fierce white-hot loyalty” Synonyms: hot. extended meanings; especially of psychological heat; marked by intensity or vehemence especially of passion or enthusiasm.

What is the white hot room in Marvel Comics?

The White Hot Room is a realm that serves both as the afterlife and a base of operations for the Phoenix. The White Hot Room also resides in the M’kraan Crystal, which is a nexus of realities and contains a Neutron galaxy. When Jean Grey first bonded with the Phoenix and later sought to heal the M’Krann Crystal she found a white city inside.

What is the white hot room in Fallout New Vegas?

The White Hot Room is a realm that serves both as the afterlife and a base of operations for the Phoenix. The White Hot Room also resides in the M’Krann Crystal, which is a nexus of realities and contains a Neutron galaxy.

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What is the crown inside the white hot room?

Inside the White Hot Room is the Crown. Several times Jean spoke of being in the Crown, and the Phoenix Consciousness labeled her a White Phoenix of the Crown. However, it has yet to be explored as to what the Crown actually is. [citation needed]

What is in the white hot room in the Phoenix Saga?

The White Hot Room is also where a Phoenix-like Jean Grey may go if they do not instantaneously resurrect when killed, and do Phoenix Work while they await to incubate and be reborn anew from a Phoenix Egg. [citation needed] Inside the White Hot Room is the Crown.