
Where should a host first try to seat guests?

Where should a host first try to seat guests?

In order to keep everything fair, ensuring each server has a similar amount of work and a similar amount of tips, you should seat a table in the 1st section, then the 2nd section, then the 3rd, then back to the 1st, and so on. This is known as the rotation and as a rule, you should try and stick to it at all times.

Does a hostess clean tables?

A host or hostess plays an important job at a restaurant as they are the first people to greet a customer and make sure they feel welcome. Depending on the restaurant, they may also help the serving staff out by cleaning tables when the restaurant is busy so guests can be seated quickly.

What does waitlist mean at restaurants?

The waitlist is for seating more guests — not for placing orders, right? Whether it’s a dedicated host, the manager, or even a member of staff, restaurants with waitlists will have someone who walks customers to their table, then seats them. Typically speaking, the customer also orders and pays from the table.

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Why do restaurants not seat incomplete parties?

Donna, look: restaurants don’t seat incomplete parties because if the rest of your party does not show up as you expect them to, then they have two people at a four-top and those are wasted seats. It doesn’t matter if the restaurant is half empty or not.

What does a hostess do at a restaurant?

Being a host or hostess at a restaurant typically requires greeting customers, seating them, managing wait times, taking reservations, and much more. Learn more here. A host is the first face a guest sees when they walk into a restaurant, and a great host or hostess can set the tone for a wonderful dining experience.

Is being a hostess hard?

It is there so that one server isn’t overloaded when everyone who walks in the door wants “that table over there”. Be patient with a host or hostess, she’s following a set plan so that you can get your food on time and be happy.