
Which age is best for 12th pass?

Which age is best for 12th pass?

The ideal age is 17. That is you turn 18 after you complete class 12. This age is by no means the fixed standard. I personally had classmates who would turn 19 after 12th and ones who would still remain 16.

What is the easiest course after 12th?

If you are done with your class 12th and still doubtful about further studies. Then, take it easy….2. Medical Course/Pharmacy.

Course Name Full Form Duration
B.A.M.S. Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery 5.5 years
B.Pharm Bachelor of Pharmacy 4 years
B.Sc Nursing 4 years
B.P.T Physiotherapy 4.5 years

What to do after passing 12th grade?

UG Courses available after 12th Science:

  1. BE/B.Tech- Bachelor of Technology.
  2. B.Arch- Bachelor of Architecture.
  3. BCA- Bachelor of Computer Applications.
  4. B.Sc.- Information Technology.
  5. B.Sc- Nursing.
  6. BPharma- Bachelor of Pharmacy.
  7. B.Sc- Interior Design.
  8. BDS- Bachelor of Dental Surgery.

What is 12th pass called?

Hi, In India When someone passed the 12th standard then those are called Higher secondary which is the 12th passed and those who passed the 10th standard are called Matriculation in India.

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What is it like to be 23 years old?

It’s an age that is rough all around the edges. You’re on the edge of your seat as everything, including yourself, rapidly changes. And sometimes it just feels like you’re not a part of it all. Twenty-three was by far the worst year of my life and the majority of my friends’ and family members’ lives.

Is 23 years old too old for risky behavior?

When you’re older, you’re over those risky behaviors (or maybe you’ve just substituted them for new ones); when you’re younger, you don’t even realize you’re making them. At 23, you’re feeling caught in between.

What are the best subjects to study after 12th?

Let us look at some of the most popular choices with students: Class 12th students usually study Physics and Chemistry with either Mathematics or Biology (Botany and Zoology). Some of the educational prospects that they can explore are: B.Sc.: It’s also called Bachelor of Science.

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Do You Know Your Future goals as a class 12 student?

Ask any student of Class 12 about their future goals, and you are more than likely to get utterly confusing answers. It’s not because they are ambitionless or have no idea about what to do in the future; it is because they do not know the right steps or educational qualifications they need to pursue their dream.