
Which big companies use react JS?

Which big companies use react JS?

12 Global Companies That Use React Native

  • Bloomberg. Bloomberg is a finance company that provides tools for equity trading and analytics among other enterprise applications.
  • 2. Facebook. Facebook developed React Native and have built their app using it.
  • Uber Eats.
  • Airbnb.
  • Discord.
  • Instagram.
  • Skype.
  • Pinterest.

What are the most popular react JS development tools?

A List of React Developer Tools

  • Gatsby.
  • Jest. Facebook created this JavaScript testing framework to test React components.
  • React 360.
  • React Proto.
  • React Sight.
  • Redux.
  • Rekit.
  • Storybook. Storybook is designed for user interfaces (UI).

What is your best talent in react JS?

At a high level, React developers should be able to:

  • Work with and write semantic HTML tags.
  • Work with and write CSS selectors.
  • Implement a CSS reset.
  • Understand the box model and how to reset to border-box.
  • Understand flexbox.
  • Work with and implement responsive web principles including the proper user of media queries.
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Which companies are using ReactJS?

10238 companies reportedly use React in their tech stacks, including Uber, Airbnb, and Facebook.

  • Uber.
  • Airbnb.
  • Facebook.
  • Pinterest.
  • Netflix.
  • Shopify.
  • Instagram.
  • Amazon.

Does Netflix use react?

Netflix uses React on the client and server, but they identified that the client-side portion wasn’t needed for the first interaction, so they leaned on what the browser can already do, and deferred client-side React.

How do I improve my ReactJS skills?

Improve Your React Skills

  1. Apply the latest JavaScript and CSS approaches to your apps.
  2. Structure your apps to use microservices and APIs with React.
  3. Present your React apps with clean and powerful interface styles.

Does Dan Abramov work for Facebook?

Software engineer at Facebook and co-author of the Create React App and Redux. Dan Abramov is a software engineer at Facebook. Together with Andrew Clark, he created Redux. He also co-authored the Create React App.

Is Dan Abramov still at Facebook?

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I want to understand my options. I am not leaving Facebook yet. There is a lot of energy internally and clearly many people at different roles and levels want to get this right.