
Which branch has more vacancy in IES?

Which branch has more vacancy in IES?

IES / ESE Branch wise Vacancy – 2019

S. No. Name of Service(s) Vacancies
1. Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers 45
2. Indian Railway Stores Service 11
3. Central Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Service 7
4. Indian Ordnance Factories Service AWM/JTS 30

How many vacancies are there in ESE 2021?

What are the total vacancies for ESE 2021? Total vacancies are 215 for ESE 2021 which are tentative and final will be updated by UPSC soon.

How many seats are there in ese?

UPSC ESE Application Form 2021 Last Day Earlier, the UPSC has released the ESE notification 2021 to fill in 215 vacancies. The preliminary exam will be held on July 18.

How many vacancies are there in IES / ESE 2021?

This year, the UPSC has released a total of 215 vacancies under the IES / ESE Exam 2021. It is the lowest number of vacancies released by the commission under this examination since 2009. The candidates can find more information about the department-wise Group A & B Engineering vacancies under the IES / ESE notification 2021.

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What is the branch wise IES/ESE vacancy breakup for UPSC?

Year wise, branch wise as well as department wise vacancy breakup is given below. UPSC conduct IES/ESE only for four branches of engineering Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering & Electronics & Communication Engineering. Basics Of Energy & Environment: Ese 2021: Prelims Gsea By…

Which engineering branch conduct IEs/ESE only for four branches?

UPSC conduct IES/ESE only for four branches of engineering Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering & Electronics & Communication Engineering. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What is Engineering Services Examination (ESE)?

An all India level competitive examination, called Engineering Services Examination (ESE/IES) is conducted every year by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the recruitment of Indian Engineering Servants. This examination constitutes a written examination (five tests) and followed by an interview.