
Which came first dark or light?

Which came first dark or light?

Darkness only exists as a contrast to light. So light and darkness emerged simultaneously. Light and darkness came simultaneously in the universe like all the other pairs of opposites like hot and cold, day and night and so on. This is relativity.

Does light come from darkness?

Light 2 is the opposite of darkness. It’s a visual sensation created by our brain when our eyes detect light 1. Darkness is created when our eyes detect no light 1. So, to answer your question, light 1 comes from the sun and light 2 and darkness, are created in our mind.

What was there before light?

Even before that light, there was a soup of matter and antimatter, which annihilated to produce the majority of today’s photons, but even that wasn’t the very beginning.

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When did light come into existence?

This was the moment of first light in the universe, between 240,000 and 300,000 years after the Big Bang, known as the Era of Recombination. The first time that photons could rest for a second, attached as electrons to atoms.

What was the first artificial light?

Invented by Humphry Davy around 1805, the carbon arc was the first practical electric light. It was used commercially beginning in the 1870s for large building and street lighting until it was superseded in the early 20th century by the incandescent light.

Who created the darkness?

First we ask, “Where does darkness come from?” God created darkness. Isaiah 45:7 says, “I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.” The word creates the means to form, fashion, or to permit. Our natural inclination is to run away from darkness.

What was the origin of light?

Deep in the sun’s fiery core, atoms fuse and create light. Over the course of 40,000 years it will be absorbed by other atoms and emitted repeatedly until reaching the sun’s surface. Once there, the photons stream out, illuminating Earth, the solar system and beyond.

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What came first light or sound?

No information can propagate faster than the speed of light. If you have light that’s going through a media, it can travel slower than that. But the speed of sound and speed of light are totally incomparable. You normally don’t notice this speed difference on a day-to-day basis.

How would life be if the light bulb was never invented?

The invention of the light bulb also led to the invention of other electrical items. Imagine what your life would be like without light bulbs. You would have to keep a lot of candles at home. The streets would be sometimes so dark you probably would not go out after sundown.

What was life like before the light bulb was invented?

Before gas or electric lighting were invented, the greatest light source indoors usually came from the fixed fire in the grate. Home activities revolved around the hearth, with candlelight or oil lamps providing dim (but mobile) light around the home.

Did darkness exist first or light first?

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So we can’t say that darkness existed first, but that there was darkness first. Darkness being the state in which light is absent. All things that have an origin in time have a period previous in which they are absent.

What is darkness in psychology?

Darkness is a visual sensation created by your brain when your eyes detect no light. But, here’s the tricky bit. Light has 3 meanings. You get light and heavy, light and dark, and light (electromagnetic radiation). Let’s call them light 1, light 2 and light 3.

What is the difference between darkness and light?

Light is primarily defined as the thing which makes things visible, and before this point the universe did not have the conditions to be visible and therefore there was no light. Darkness is not a thing, it does not exist.

Did God create light or did light already exist?

What is interesting that when God brought light into the universe, it does not say that God created (made from nothing) light. Light already existed, it just wasn’t present in the initial universe. I believe you’ll find the lesson Light and Dark to be an interesting study.