Which country is advanced India or Pakistan?

Which country is advanced India or Pakistan?

According to data available on the Global Data Lab, the HDI score of Uttar Pradesh for the year 2015 was 0.566, while Pakistan was further behind with a score of 0.551. In the 2018 HDI rankings for countries, Pakistan is placed 150th out of 189 countries, while India is ranked 130th.

Is Pakistan least developed country?

There are currently 47 LDC countries. Five countries have been upgraded between 1994 and 2017: Botswana (1994)…Least Developed Countries 2021.

Country Human Development Index 2021 Population
Pakistan 0.562 225,199,937
Nepal 0.574 29,674,920
Myanmar 0.578 54,806,012
Angola 0.581 33,933,610

What do Pakistanis think about India and Mumbai?

On the face value a Pakistani might think that India is similar to Pakistan but i would say India is head and shoulders above Pakistan. Mumbai is the economical Capital of India and nothing unexpected that it is the most developed city in India.

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How advanced is Pakistan compared to India in terms of terrorism?

Every citizen of Pakistan is so advanced that he/she is capable of developing a human bomb in his/her own household. India lags behind on all these parameters by a huge huge distance. Development of Terrorism: Regularly uses it as a state policy. Is in the FATF grey list since past two years. [ 1]

Which is the most developed state in India and Pakistan?

Also, if you will compare India’s most developed state (Kerala) to Pakistan’s most developed state (Punjab), you will see that Kerala is ahead by a huge margin in all areas. 1. HDI score of India is 0.609 and that of Pakistan is 0.538 .

Is standard of living in Pakistan lower than in India?

Though both countries are currently less developed than the world average, but still India looks a lot developed compared to Pakistan. By statistics, it is clear that the standard of living in Pakistan is lower than all areas in India except 2-3 states. 1.