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Which democracy is considered the largest democracy in the world?

Which democracy is considered the largest democracy in the world?

With 1 267 million inhabitants, of which 834 million can vote, India is the largest democracy in the world.

Why is China considered as a stronger economy than India?

The reason for higher GDP in China, is a better multi-order governance to cope with this new world economic and political order. China is perhaps only country who is able to move from under-develop to Developed on its own in last 200 years. Even they successfully digested one nation two system concept in the past.

Why Indian democracy is considered as the largest democracy in the world?

Reason : Indian democracy is considered the largest democracy in the world because of political maturity. It’s the world’s second largest country in terms of population, people have direct representation in the legislative processes through regular elections and the right to adult suffrage.

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Is India the world’s largest democracy?

As a country of 1.3 billion people, more than 800 million of whom are eligible to vote, India takes pride in being the “world’s largest democracy.” India has often lauded its ability to transfer power peacefully every five years since the first general election of 1951 (except for Indira Gandhi’s experiment with autocracy in 1975).

Is Delhi’s political system failing India?

The failure of Delhi’s political institutions is rendering collateral damage upon the country’s social institutions. As a country of 1.3 billion people, more than 800 million of whom are eligible to vote, India takes pride in being the “world’s largest democracy.”

How big is India’s economy compared to other countries?

India is the world’s fourth-largest economy. It produced $9.4 trillion in goods and services in 2017. 1 But it has a long way to go to beat the top three: China, with a production worth $23.2 trillion, the European Union with $20.9 trillion, and the United States with $19.4 trillion. India had rapid growth despite the Great Recession of 2008.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of India?

The cost of living is lower than in the United States. Its gross domestic product per capita is $7,200, half that of China or Brazil. This is an advantage because Indian workers don’t need as much income since everything costs less. India has many well-educated technology workers.