
Which French President served for the longest time?

Which French President served for the longest time?

François Marie Adrien Maurice Mitterrand (26 October 1916 – 8 January 1996) was a French statesman who served as President of France from 1981 to 1995, the longest time in office in the history of France.

  • Reflecting family influences, Mitterrand started political life on the Catholic nationalist right.
  • Who was the first French president?

    The president of France is the head of state of France. The first officeholder is considered to be Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, who was elected in 1848 and provoked the 1851 self-coup to later proclaim himself emperor as Napoleon III.

    Who followed de Gaulle?

    Georges Pompidou

    Charles de Gaulle
    Succeeded by Georges Pompidou
    Prime Minister of France
    In office 1 June 1958 – 8 January 1959
    President René Coty
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    Who defeated Giscard d Estaing in 1981?

    1981 presidential election Chirac finished third and refused to recommend that his supporters back Giscard in the runoff, though he declared that he himself would vote for Giscard. Giscard lost to Mitterrand by 3 points in the runoff and blamed Chirac for his defeat thereafter.

    How long can a French president serve?

    President of France

    President of the French Republic
    Term length Five years, renewable once
    Constituting instrument Fifth Republic Constitution
    Inaugural holder Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte
    Formation 1848 (Second Republic) 4 October 1958 (Fifth Republic)

    Who is the prime minister of France?

    Jean CastexSince 2020
    France/Prime minister

    Who runs France?

    President of France

    President of the French Republic
    Incumbent Emmanuel Macron since 14 May 2017
    Executive branch of the French Government
    Style Mr President (informal) His Excellency (diplomatic)
    Status Head of state Executive President

    Who won the French election in 1981?

    The French presidential election of 1981 took place on 10 May 1981. François Mitterrand defeated incumbent president, Valery Giscard d’Estaing to become the first Socialist president of the Fifth Republic.

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    Who was the most popular French president?

    Gaston Doumergue, the only Protestant to hold office as President of France was counted among the most popular French presidents. He also emerged as the first President of France to marry in office.

    Who is the current President of France?

    The current President of the French Republic is Emmanuel Macron, who succeeded François Hollande on 14 May 2017. The presidency of France was first publicly proposed during the July Revolution of 1830, when it was offered to the Marquis de Lafayette.

    Was Charles de Gaulle the best French president?

    Charles de Gaulle, because he was a charismatic leader who got things done (for exemple, passing the current constitution in 1958), stood up for French interests on the world stage and had the courage to do what was right, even when what was right was hard. The best French president was François Mitterrand.

    How many presidents of France have been women?

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    Since the creation of the Fifth republic in 1958, there has been seven presidents elected by universal suffrage. None of them are women. As in September 2019 there are three living former French presidents: Valéry-Giscard d’Estaing, Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande.