
Which is better 13 Reasons Why book or series?

Which is better 13 Reasons Why book or series?

The show is better in showing diff. issues but I like the book more. The book is like Hannah’s diary with some opinions or thoughts from Clay but it was not as wide as the series. And I think the series did a great job in presenting this kind of story.

Is 13 Reasons Why series SAME AS THE book?

13 Reasons Why might be coming back for another season, but before it was even a show, it was a hit YA novel by Jay Asher. The book’s controversial 288-page story was turned into a 13-episode series. While the overall story was the same, there were some changes that were made in order to adapt it for television.

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Is 13 Reasons Why accurate to the book?

Yes, 13 Reasons Why is based on a popular teen novel of the same name written by Jay Asher. Though the novel isn’t based on a true story, Asher did open up about the situations being based “loosely” on situations that happened in real life.

What point of view is the book 13 Reasons Why?

First Person and Second Person. Unreliable narrator alert! Thirteen Reasons Why blends Hannah Baker’s audio-taped explanation for her suicide with Clay Jensen’s reactions to it. Both stories are told in the first person by the characters themselves.

Did Hannah get raped in the book?

Hannah is explicitly raped by Bryce In the book, Hannah describes Bryce putting his hand inside her bathing suit and says simply that he “didn’t stop there.” She also notes that she never told Bryce “no” or pushed his hand away, although he could clearly see that she was crying.

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How does the book Thirteen Reasons Why end?

The novel ends with Clay going to school the next day after mailing the tapes to Jenny. When he gets there, he sees Skye Miller, the girl from the bus. He walks toward her, saying her name.

Who is the narrator of 13 reasons why book?

Clay Jensen
You may be looking for the TV series character. Clay Jensen is the protagonist in Thirteen Reasons Why, the narrator and guide through the novel.

What is the narrator doing at the start of the novel 13 Reasons Why?

The novel begins as our narrator, Clay Jensen, mails a mysterious package to someone named Jenny. We soon learn that the package contains the audiotaped suicide note of Hannah Baker, a girl Clay had a crush on before she killed herself about two weeks ago. This is going to be a doozy, Shmoopers.

Is Hannah raped in 13 Reasons Why book?

Did Hannah Baker and Clay kiss?

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Hannah and Clay finally kiss, but similar to the book, she pushes him away because she is too afraid that her darkness will ruin him. As he listens to his tape, Clay feels terrible for letting Hannah down: “I cost a girl her life because I was afraid to love her.”