
Which is better being smart or being beautiful?

Which is better being smart or being beautiful?

Attractiveness alone was only weakly related to life success. So, when determining life success, it is better to be smart, but attractiveness and self-confidence can help. Attractiveness was also measured at adulthood, even though appearance during childhood might have the largest effect on life success.

Is it more important to be beautiful or intelligent?

Beauty alone will not be able to achieve success and lead a good professional life. At first, beauty will impress others but what stays is intelligence. In a professional field beauty doest work much they have to be fit for work and they should be able to prove themselves so beauty alone can’t do anything in life.

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Can you be hot smart?

This should go without saying, but regardless of your gender, duh, it is possible to be both physically attractive as well as intelligent, successful, and literally any other trait that exists. “Women can be attractive AND smart,” Kelley Kitley, LCSW, tells Bustle.

What do you call someone who is beautiful and intelligent?

luminous. adjective. mainly literary very intelligent or beautiful.

How can I be a hot and smart girl?

If you want to achieve hot girl status, create a look that shows your best features and practice showing off your personality in social situations. Additionally, build up your confidence because it’s the key to being hot and take good care of yourself to help you glow from the inside.

What does Hot smart mean?

If you’re receiving the “Too Hot” error message, it means that the internal components of your SMART Mobile™ are overheating and will need to cool off.

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Do you prefer being a smart person or a clever person?

Both have their virtues. Smart people are necessary when you have complicated situations to work out carefully over time. Clever people are useful when the situation requires unusual and quick thinking in a way that will delight.

What is the difference between Beautiful People and smart people?

In comparison, Smart people tend to be more accepting and tolerant, Given that they, Themselves were bullied in their youth. Not only do they have a better character, But they also have the intellect needed to advance humankind and improve our lives, While beautiful people will only sit around modeling.

What is the difference between being beautiful and being intelligent?

Being beautiful gets you friends, Money, Power and respect whereas intelligence doesn’t bring you anything worthwhile. Intelligence generally leads to depression and being ugly definitely leads to poor self worth and loneliness especially as smart people are bullied, After which there is no comeback, There is no purpose.

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Is it fair that the opposite sex looks for smart people?

It is not fair but members of the opposite sex look for beautiful/handsome people rather than smart. , Society is screwy because no one looks for someone who is intelligent if they are skinny, The first thing you notice is beauty not their iq. Society today is all about beauty. Its true Intelligence, Not beauty, Is needed for human survival.