
Which is better for NEET preparation ALLEN or Aakash?

Which is better for NEET preparation ALLEN or Aakash?

If you have a good institute nearby your hometown, prefer that. Else, Allen is a much better option. Aakash is a good institute for both Medical and Engineering exam preparation. Really helped me in cracking Entrance and scoring good in boards exams.

Can I change my phase in ALLEN?

Yes, you can change your study center by paying applicable charges in Accounts section.

Is Aakash Kota good for NEET?

NEET is considered as one of the toughest exams to clear in the competitive exams. Allen Kota or Aakash institute both are the top institutes for NEET coaching for cracking the entrance exams. Delhi is a famous city in India, and it is popular for its excellence in every sector.

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Which is the best coaching institute for NEET coaching in Kota?

A premium coaching institute in Kota, Allen Career Institute offers to coach for more than 25 years now. The main focus of the institute is to provide an in-depth study of basic concepts and brainstorming practice to train students for cut-throat completion they face in NEET.

Is Aakash Kota good for the NEET exam?

The Aakash, Kota branch has a high selection rate. Students can enroll for 1 year NEET program, 2 year NEET program and NEET crash course. When it comes to performance, approximately 1120 students were selected from Aakash institute in NEET 2012 exam. TOLL-FREE NO.

What are the various courses offered by Allen Institute Kota?

Various Courses offered by Allen Institute Kota Can be broadly categorized as followed. Allen’s Pre-Nurture and Career Foundation: Offers courses for various Competitive Exams and Olympiads for the students of classes 6th to 10th.

What are the courses offered for the NEET?

The courses offered for NEET are: 1-year NEET program for students enrolled in class 12. 2- year NEET program for students enrolled in class 11. The institute has delivered the quality result in the state level entrance test and NEET exam. The institute provides coaching for only medical entrance exams.