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Which metals react with oxygen on high temperature?

Which metals react with oxygen on high temperature?

Answer: Explanation: The answer will be copper. Copper and iron react with oxygen only upon heating at a very high temperature.

Which metal reacts quickly with oxygen?

Response: The more active a metal is, the more readily it reacts with oxygen. Rubidium, like potassium, reacts rapidly with O2(g), so rubidium, like potassium, is a very active metal.

Which metal reacts with oxygen most vigorously?

When any substance burns in oxygen it is called a combustion reaction. Potassium (lilac) burns most vigorously followed by sodium (orange-yellow) and then lithium (red), as you might expect.

Which element is most reactive with oxygen?

Reactivity of Group 1 and 2 elements increases as you go down the periodic table. So sodium is more reactive than lithium. Sodium will react with oxygen forming Na2O (sodium oxide).

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Does Aluminium react with oxygen at room temperature?

Both iron and aluminium combine slowly with oxygen at room temperature. Aluminium, on reacting with oxygen forms an impervious coat of Al2O3 which protects the metal from further corrosion.

Which metal does not react with oxygen even at high temperature?

The two metals which do not react with oxygen even at high temperatures are silver and gold.

Does mercury react with oxygen at room temperature?

Mercury is very limited in the number of elements or compounds it will react with. While it does react with oxygen, it only does so at high temperatures — around 350 degrees Celsius. It also won’t react with dilute acids or acids that don’t contain oxygen.

Does aluminium react with oxygen at room temperature?

Does silver react with oxygen?

Chemical properties Silver is a very inactive metal. It does not react with oxygen in the air under normal circumstances. It does react slowly with sulfur compounds in the air, however. The product of this reaction is silver sulfide (Ag 2 S), a black compound.

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Which metal does not react with oxygen at high temperature?

Do iron reacts with oxygen?

Iron can react with oxygen to form two of its oxides, iron (II, III) oxide and iron (III) oxide.

Does magnesium react with oxygen at room temperature?

The flame provides a source of heat so that the magnesium metal atoms can overcome their activation energy. Activation energy is the minimum energy required in order for a chemical reaction to proceed. When the magnesium metal burns it reacts with oxygen found in the air to form Magnesium Oxide.

What happens when oxygen oxide reacts with gold?

Oxygen is mostly unreactive with gold and platinum. When an oxide reacts with water, a metal hydroxide is produced. Oxygen is very reactive with Alkali metals. Alkali metals are given the name alkali because the oxides of these metals react with water to form a metal hydroxide that is basic or alkaline. Click to see full answer.

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Which metal does not react with oxygen at high temperatures?

(b) Gold does not react with oxygen even at high temperatures. Please log in or register to add a comment.

Why is oxygen reactive with alkali metals?

Oxygen is very reactive with Alkali metals. Alkali metals are given the name alkali because the oxides of these metals react with water to form a metal hydroxide that is basic or alkaline. Click to see full answer. Regarding this, why is oxygen so reactive?

What is formed when an oxide reacts with water?

When an oxide reacts with water, a metal hydroxide is produced. Oxygen is very reactive with Alkali metals. Alkali metals are given the name alkali because the oxides of these metals react with water to form a metal hydroxide that is basic or alkaline.