Tips and tricks

Which one is correct listening to music or listening music?

Which one is correct listening to music or listening music?

The correct one is “Listening to music”. “Listen + ing” is an intransitive verb.

How do you use listening in a sentence?

the act of hearing attentively.

  1. She sat up in bed, listening.
  2. She’s listening to the radio.
  3. He sat very erect, listening intently.
  4. He had been listening at the door.
  5. The listening device was concealed in a pen.
  6. Someone has been listening in on my telephone conversation.
  7. Their interest is listening to others.

What can I say instead of listening to music?


  • attend,
  • hark,
  • harken,
  • hear,
  • hearken,
  • heed,
  • mind.

What does pop music stand for?

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popular music
‘Pop’ is short for popular music. There are different styles of pop music, but they all appeal to the general public.

Can listen example sentence?

He promised: “As president I will listen carefully to everyone”. I will listen to him with my eyes. “I will listen to what he says himself. I promise I will listen to you 100\%.

How do you use euphonious in a sentence?

Euphonious in a Sentence 1. Wind chimes are one of the most euphonious sounds I can think of, and they always make me think of peaceful times. 2. I can’t think of anything less euphonious than the sound of nails scratching on a chalkboard.

What is pop music called?

Pop music, often called simply pop, is contemporary music and a common type of popular music (distinguished from classical or art music and from folk music.

Is it correct to say I listen to the music?

For simple verbal use, “I listen the music” would be ungrammatical, and the correction would be “I listen to the music.” But! In an intransitive sentence the to goes away: “I listen carefully” is good and “I listen to carefully” would be bad.

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What does the sentence “she listens to music loudly” mean?

The sentence, “She listens to music loudly,” implies that the listener makes loud noises while she is listening to music. “She listens to music loudly. Every time she turns the music on, she sings along with the music at the top of her lungs]

How do you use music in a sentence?

For instance, you might be listening to a dialogue between two people, then adding dramatic background music to make it more interesting, and asking someone to listen to the second version with the added music (maybe after having listened to the first version without music).

Which one is correct “listening to music” or “ listen + ing”?

The correct one is “Listening to music”. “Listen + ing” is an intransitive verb. An intransitive verb has two characteristics. First, it is an action verb, which expresses an action or an activity eg:. arrive, visit, die etc. Second, it will not have a direct object receiving the action. Listening to music :- Here, music is the direct object.