
Which takes more force to start an object moving from rest or to keep it moving?

Which takes more force to start an object moving from rest or to keep it moving?

Friction And Normal Force : Example Question #2 Explanation: It is important to understand the difference between static and kinetic friction. When an object is at rest, it takes more force to get it to start moving than to keep it moving.

Which force is needed to move a body from rest to motion?

Answer: yes , force is needed to move a moving body in motion. If force is not applied , the frictional force opposes the motion and stops the body. but if there is no frictional force there is no need to apply force on a moving body .

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Why is more force needed to start an object in motion and less force needed to keep an object moving?

Why is less force needed to keep an object moving than to start the obiect in motion? Sliding friction, which opposes a moving object, is less than the static friction that acts on an object at rest, so less force is needed to keep an object moving.

Why is more force required to move a heavier body than to move a lighter body?

Because the heavier body has more mass therefore more inertia. Hence more force is required to move it..

Is force needed to keep a moving body in motion?

Force is not needed to keep a moving body in motion.

Is force needed to keep a moving body in a motion?

Why is more force needed to move an object?

More force is required to overcome static friction. And as soon as the object starts moving, the static reduces drastically. It is due to irregularities, adhesiveness among the materials, etc. Once the force overcomes the static friction, then its much easier to move the object.

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Why do some objects require more force to move than others?

The greater the weight (or mass) of an object, the more inertia it has. Heavy objects are harder to move than light ones because they have more inertia.

What law of motion states that a heavy object is harder to start moving than a lighter object?

Newton’s First Law of Motion Objects at rest stay at rest, Objects in motion stay in motion, Until something changes its motion. Heavier objects (objects with more mass) are more difficult to move and stop. Heavier objects (greater mass) resist change more than lighter objects.

Is more applied force needed to move an object from rest?

The dynamic friction is less than the static friction. So in short, yes more (applied) force is needed to move an object from rest than is needed to maintain the motion of a moving object.

How much force is required to keep a body moving uniformly?

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It is clear that no external force is required to keep a body at rest, and thus none is require to keep a body moving uniformly. This would differ from a situation to situation. Sometimes a force is required to keep the body performing uniform circular motion.

Is an external force always required for an object to move?

So, An external force is NOT required. Newton’s First Law states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. It may be seen as a statement about inertia, that objects will remain in their state of motion unless a force acts to change the motion.

Is it easier to move an object that is already in motion?

So while you may THINK it’s easier to move an object that’s already in motion, you are really only preventing friction from slowing it down. If the object were moving in the vacume of space, you wouldn’t need to push it at all.