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Which thing is No 1 in China?

Which thing is No 1 in China?


Field Rank Date
Fruit and vegetable production, output of 506,634,000 tons 1 2004
Garlic production, output of 21,200,000 tons 1 2016
Honey production, output of 298,000 tons 1 2005
Livestock of domestic sheep, 185,000,000 heads 1 2013

What is the rank of China in 2020?

China retains its 14th place in 2020, having broken into the GII top 15 last year and establishing itself as an innovation leader.

What rank is China in technology?

The U.S. was ranked sixth, down two positions from last year, while Switzerland topped the GII ranking for the eighth year in a row….Economic Power Moves East.

Country/Economy 2018 Global Innovation Index Ranking Change From 2017
Hong Kong 14 +2
Luxembourg 15 -3
France 16 -1
China 17 +5
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What rank is China military?

3 of 140 out
For 2021, China is ranked 3 of 140 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review. It holds a PwrIndx* score of 0.0854 (a score of 0.0000 is considered ‘perfect’).

What’s living in China like?

Yes, many expats, especially women, find living in China is much safer than in cities like London or New York. Street harassment and catcalling is virtually unheard of for foreigners, and streets tend to be well lit at night. Petty crime rates, particularly for foreigners, seem to be particularly low.

How do you Say No in China?

Another way to say no in China, without unduly offending a Chinese person , is by being roundabout and vague. In other words this means not giving a direct reply.

What is one China?

In the case of the United States, the One-China Policy was first stated in the Shanghai Communiqué of 1972: “the United States acknowledges that Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States does not challenge that position.”.

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What is China one?

The One-China policy (simplified Chinese: 一个中国政策; traditional Chinese: 一個中國政策 ; pinyin: yī gè Zhōngguó zhèngcè) refers to the policy or view that there is only one state called “China”, despite the existence of two governments that claim to be “China”.