
Who defeated Rommel in North Africa?

Who defeated Rommel in North Africa?

the British Eighth Army
The charismatic Field Marshal Erwin Rommel was comprehensively defeated by the British Eighth Army, and Allied material superiority meant that he had little chance of rallying his broken forces.

Who shot up Rommels car?

Ralph C. Jenkins of the 510th Fighter-Bomber Squadron, Ninth Air Force, reported shooting up a German staff car in the St Lô area and on a second pass is said to have seen bodies strewn in the road. The Jenkins claim has since been re-told many times and has become something of a legend.

How respected was Erwin Rommel compared to General Patton?

Both Rommel and Patton were highly respected in their respective opponent’s camp. Rommel’s respect came not from his skill alone, but also from the fact that the general was not part of the Nazi Party. There were plenty of “incidents” that showed Rommel as a honorable man serving in a dishonorable system.

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Who did Erwin Rommel fight against in WW2?

He was set up against General Bernard Montgomery of Britain and later General Patton. Rommel showed great success in the Axis push through France and Belgium. As a reward, he was promoted to General, and transferred to North Africa.

Was Patton successful on the Western Front?

While many applaud Patton for his success in the war in Africa, he had his greatest success on the Western Front. For ten months, Patton was leader of the Third Army that roamed through France, Germany, Luxemburg, Belgium, Austria and Czechoslovakia.

How did General Patton use the tank tactic in WWII?

Patton quickly understood the tactic and its benefits. Fast mobilization of armor gave advantage to Nazis to overwhelm the enemy. Patton used this tactic to help the British forces advance in North Africa, outmaneuvering German Tanks at the battle of El Guettar.