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Who is McGonagall love interest?

Who is McGonagall love interest?

The author has revealed on, that the young McGonagall fell in love with a handsome Muggle, Dougal McGregor. She never revealed to him that she was a witch, and, unwilling to continually hide this from other Muggles, broke off their engagement after one day to fully pursue a Wizarding life.

Who is McGonagall’s husband?

Elphinstone Urquart

Minerva McGonagall
Spouse Elphinstone Urquart (husband; deceased)
Nationality Scottish
House Gryffindor
Born 4 October

Were Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall friends?

Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall always seemed like close friends. However, a closer look shows that might not have been the case. Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore are two very important characters in the Harry Potter series.

What is the relationship between Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter like?

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Not only do they hold vital jobs at Hogwarts as the Transfiguration professor, head of Gryffindor, and the school’s headmaster, the two are also supposedly close friends and allies. They help Harry through his years at the school and Dumbledore, in particular, prepares him for the eventual battle against Voldemort.

Why did McGonagall want to know what Harry and Dumbledore were doing?

After Dumbledore died, McGonagall, and several other adults in Harry’s life, wanted to know what Harry and Dumbledore were doing together exactly, despite Dumbledore’s wishes on the contrary. Even when Harry tried to explain that Dumbledore wanted to keep it just between them, that didn’t stop McGonagall from prying.

What kind of person is Minerva McGonagall?

Summary Minerva McGonagall is fearless, determined and strong, but, sometimes, she cannot live up to the expectations of others. Beneath the strength, the bravery and the determination lies a woman, a woman as ordinary as any other who feels love and pain and loss just as any other.

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