
Who is Patchface?

Who is Patchface?

Patchface was a jester slave in Volantis. He was a clever and skilled boy with astonishing wit. His freedom was bought by Steffon Baratheon, Lord of Storm’s End, who was impressed with the boy during his trip to the Free Cities. Patchface is employed as court fool and jester at Dragonstone.

What happened face patch?

As Patchface apparently drowned but was revived, and makes frequent references to events underwater, it is theorized he may be connected to the Drowned God of the Ironborn. This may be why Melisandre considers him dangerous, as she may associate the Drowned God with the Great Other.

Is Patchface dead?

Except for Patchface. The poor jester kid washed up on the shore three days later, apparently dead. His skin was cold and clammy. But then he coughed and sat up and returned to life… mostly.

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Who is Patches Game of Thrones?

Patchface, also known as Patches, is the court fool of Stannis Baratheon. He is a companion of Shireen Baratheon.

Is Gendry killed?

Gendry is nearly tortured and killed but is saved by the arrival of Lord Tywin Lannister, who chides Clegane’s men for their reckless treatment of the prisoners.

Who was patchface and what happened to him?

Patchface was a jester slave in Volantis. He was a clever boy with astonishing wit. His freedom was bought by Lord Steffon Baratheon, who was impressed with him and intended to bring him back to Storm’s End from his trip to the Free Cities : The king — the old king, Aerys II Targaryen, who had not been quite so mad in those days,…

Are there any more questions in A Song of Ice and Fire?

There are many still unanswered questions in A Song of Ice and Fire. Here we try to piece together answers from what we already know. Is Young Griff really Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar, heir apparent to the Iron Throne?

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What does patchface do in Game of Thrones?

Patchface is present when Princess Shireen visits Maester Cressen to see the white raven. He is then also present during the feast where Cressen attempts to poison Lady Melisandre, but fails. He is later in attendance when Stannis burns the sept on Dragonstone .

How did patchface get to Volantis?

Patchface was discovered in Volantis by Lord Steffon Baratheon during his trip to the Free Cities to fins a bride for Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. He bought the boy, and intended to bring him back to Storm’s End, so that he could be enjoyed by his sons, Robert and Stannis.