
Who is Raja Raja Chola son?

Who is Raja Raja Chola son?

Rajendra Chola I
Rajaraja I/Sons

In 1017, Rajaraja’s son Rajendra I completed the Chola conquest of Sri Lanka. The Cholas controlled Sri Lanka until 1070, when Vijayabahu I defeated and expelled them.

Who is the son of Rajendra Chola 3?

Rajaraja III
Kulothunga Chola III
Rajendra Chola III/Fathers

Who was the son of Veerarajendra?

Virarajendra was succeeded by his son and heir apparent Athirajendra Chola. The Thanjavur inscription of his successor Kulottunga I gives the name of Virarajendra’s queen as Arumoli Nangai. He also had an elder brother called Alavandan on whom he conferred the title ‘Rajaraja’ or Rajadhiraja.

How did Athirajendra Chola died?

According to Nilakanta Sastri, Krimikanta Chola, the persecutor of Ramanuja was Adhirajendra and he died in a local uprising of the Vaishnavas.

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Who is Vandiya Devan wife?

Kundavai Pirattiyar
Vallavaraiyan Vandiyadevan/Wife
His unplanned and hasteful acts put himself and others in danger but comes out of them by trickery and luck. He is the lover of Princess Kundavai. He is loved one-sidedly by Manimekalai, the sister of Kandamaran.

Who is the first Pandya king?

First Pandya Empire Post Sangam period, the first Pandyan empire was established by a King named Kadungon, who defeated Kalabras in 6th century AD. The successors of Kadungon indulged in fighting with the nearby Chera and Chola Kings.

Who defeated the last Chola king?

The last king of the dynasty was Rajendra Chola III and was defeated by Pandya King Maravarman Kulasekara Pandyan I.

Who is the father of Rajendra Chola?

Rajaraja I
Rajendra Chola I/Fathers

What is the heartland of Chola dynasty?

The heartland of the Cholas was the fertile valley of the Kaveri River, but they ruled a significantly larger area at the height of their power from the later half of the 9th century till the beginning of the 13th century.

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Who was the successor of Rajaraja Chola?

Rajadhiraja Chola II (1166–1178 CE) reigned as the Chola king succeeding Rajaraja Chola II. Rajaraja Chola II chose Rajadhiraja II, a grandson of Vikrama Chola as his heir in 1166 as he did not have any sons of his own who were old enough to ascend the throne.

Who was Rajadhiraja I?

Rajadhiraja I was the eldest son of Rajendra I and was born under the star Pusam or Purva Phalguni. From a. d. 1018 till his father’s death, he served as Tuvaraja and won for his father many a battle; in turn he associated his younger brother Rajendra- deva (II) as his co-regent for two years prior to his own death in a. d. 1054.

What does Raja Raja Chola’s Record Show?

Rajadhiraja Chola’s record shows that he was a born fighter who was very capable of maintaining a vast and expansive empire with territories even outside the shores of India. He was a great warrior who always led his soldiers from the front.

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When did Kulothunga Chola III Reign?

Kulothunga Chola III, the successor of Rajadhiraja Chola II dates his reign from 1178 CE in his inscriptions, “though Rajadhiraja Chola II lived up to 1182 AD”. Rajadhiraja Chola II was Kulothunga Chola III’s guardian and he made him his co-regent while he was still very young.