Who is the best villain in Legend of Korra?

Who is the best villain in Legend of Korra?

Legend Of Korra: Every Main Villain From Worst To Best, Ranked

  1. 1 Kuvira. Kuvira, the charming earthbender rebel, is basically Korra through the looking glass.
  2. 2 Zaheer. There is an elemental conflict in Zaheer’s philosophy.
  3. 3 Vaatu.
  4. 4 Unalaq.
  5. 5 P’Li.
  6. 6 Amon.
  7. 7 Ming-Hua.
  8. 8 Ghazan.

Who was the best Avatar villain?

In fairness, Korra also enforces the law, but Zaheer was intent on killing her long before that. Also, the plan itself requires Korra to go into the Avatar State, but only after Zaheer has poisoned her. If she enters the Avatar State earlier, perhaps to avoid being poisoned, he’s up a creek without a paddle.

Who is the bad guy in Korra?

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Amon, born as Noatak, is one of the four main antagonists of The Legend of Korra (alongside Unalaq, Zaheer and Kuvira), the sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender. He serves as the main antagonist of Book One: Air and as a posthumous antagonist for the remainder of the series.

Who is the real villain in Avatar?

Azula is celebrated by fans as one of the most carefully crafted villains in the Avatar: The Last Airbender series.

Who is the villain in Korra?

Who are the villains in Avatar?

Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra had a number of villains who wreaked havoc and chaos in their own ways. Aang, Korra, and their predecessors had to face fierce bending masters, power-hungry conquerors, underdog rebels, infamous assassins, and political manipulators.

What kind of villains did Korra and Aang fight?

Aang, Korra, and their predecessors had to face fierce bending masters, power-hungry conquerors, underdog rebels, infamous assassins, and political manipulators. Each villain has required a different approach from the Avatars and their allies, but only a few were capable of shaking up the world as everyone knew it.

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Can you ever get close to Avatar Korra?

You can’t even get close to her. Here is the first major villain whom avatar Korra ever had to go up against, and he was a terror both on the battlefield and in Korra’s nightmares. He is a blood bender, like his little brother Tarrlok, and both of them are sons of Yakon.

What is Avatar The Last Airbender?

In the 2000s, Nickelodeon brought us the fantasy Asian-inspired world of Avatar: the Last Airbender, where avatar Aang answered the call of duty to learn the four elements and end the hundred-year war against the Fire Nation.