
Who is the most popular pevensie?

Who is the most popular pevensie?


  • 580 votes, 43.0\% Edmund Pevensie.
  • 278 votes, 20.6\% Peter Pevensie.
  • 146 votes, 10.8\% Susan Pevensie.
  • 146 votes, 10.8\% Eustace Clarence Scrubb.
  • 85 votes, 6.3\% Digory Kirke.
  • 46 votes, 3.4\% Jill Pole.
  • 38 votes, 2.8\% Polly Plummer.

Who is the best Pevensie sibling?

ranking the Pevensie siblings

  • #4 – The Magnificent.
  • #3 – The Valiant.
  • #2 – The Gentle.
  • #1 – The Just.

Who is the best character in Narnia?

The Chronicles of Narnia: CS Lewis’ Best Characters

  • Queen Jadis, The White Queen. The White Queen has been ruling Narnia for 100 years when the children arrive in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.
  • Reepicheep.
  • Digory Kirke.
  • Aslan.
  • Lucy Pevensie.
  • Mr Tumnus.
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How old are the Pevensies in Narnia books?

Book ages: Peter – 13, Susan – 12, Edmund – 9 or 10, Lucy – 8. Film ages: Peter – about 16 or 17, Susan – about 15 or 16, Edmund – about 13, Lucy – 8 or 9.

How is Lucy described in Narnia?

Lucy is deeply kind, inquisitive, and open; as the youngest of all her siblings, she is the most naïve but also the most in touch with wonder, magic, and the ability to believe in goodness, righteousness, and fantastical things. She is a loyal friend to Mr.

Who plays Lucy Pevensie?

Rachel WarrenThe Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Sophie WilcoxPrince Caspian/The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Lucy Pevensie/Voiced by

How old is Caspian in The Silver Chair?

Cornelius urges the 13-year-old Caspian to flee for his life, for Miraz will certainly perceive Caspian as his son’s rival for the throne. Cornelius gives Caspian Queen Susan’s magic horn, which will bring help to whoever blows it.

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Does Lucy Pevensie get married?

Lucy does not marry in C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia.

How old is Georgie Henley in Narnia?

26 years (July 9, 1995)
Georgie Henle/Age

Who plays grown up Lucy in Narnia?

Georgie Henley
In the 1980s BBC serial, Lucy is portrayed by English actress Sophie Wilcox. In Walden Media’s The Chronicles of Narnia films, Lucy is portrayed by English actress Georgie Henley as a child and Rachael Henley (her older sister) as an adult.

Who are the Pevensies in Narnia?

The Pevensies were a group of four siblings (two brothers and two sisters) from London, England, all of whom were preadolescents or adolescents (though of varied ages) when they entered the wardrobe for the first time into the world of Narnia, in Narnian year 1000, during the Long Winter.

What do you like most about Lucy Pevensies?

Lucy is almost always the voice of reason. She has that wisdom of youth. She’s faithful and adorable and is miraculously the less self absorbed, big headed and immature of the Pevensies When I was little, I used to pretend my grandparents’ wardrobe led to Narnia.

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Who is the High King of Narnia?

Peter Pevensie, the eldest, was deemed the High King of Narnia. After the fifteen-year of the Golden Age, the four had grown into noble adults and they all went out one day on a recreational hunt, in search for a legendary White Stag in Lantern Waste and saw the Lamp-post, that they thought they had seen in a “dream or a dream of a dream”.

Who were the Pevensies?

The Pevensies were the newest dynasty of the Kingdom of Narnia following the Age of Winter, during which a single ruler, the White Witch Jadis, had reigned for a hundred years.