
Who is winning android or iPhone?

Who is winning android or iPhone?

Conclusion. Numerically speaking, Android wins 10 categories and iOS wins seven, but iOS wins in some of the more important categories — we don’t think rooting or alternative app stores are as important for most people as accessibility or security, for example. However, it’s very difficult to compare the two.

Why does everyone think iPhone is better than android?

Apple’s closed ecosystem makes for a tighter integration, which is why iPhones don’t need super powerful specs to match the high-end Android phones. It’s all in the optimization between hardware and software. Generally, though, iOS devices are faster and smoother than most Android phones at comparable price ranges.

Are there more Android or Apple users?

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Android maintained its position as the leading mobile operating system worldwide in June 2021, controlling the mobile OS market with a close to 73 percent share. Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS jointly possess over 99 percent of the global market share.

What’s the argument between iPhone and Android owners all about?

The argument between iPhone and Android owners is as old as both platforms, and one I can’t see coming to an end anytime soon. With each announcement and release of major updates, both sides like to point out copied features or updates that the other operating system lacks.

What’s the difference between iOS and Android?

You may even find that apps from established companies, ranging from banks to airlines, are a bit smoother and cleaner on iOS than Android, with better integration with the phone’s core services, like Wallet. (Google Pay is only now starting to catch on with many airlines.)

Who is the man behind the ‘thermonuclear war’ against Samsung?

Jobs was livid when Samsung released its smartphone in 2009. As he told biographer Walter Isaacson, he wanted to launch “thermonuclear war” on Android, the operating system used in Samsung phones.

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Do Android users have more features than iPhone users?

Even though Apple keeps adding Android-like features to iOS, Android users still have plenty of bragging rights over iPhone users. From being able to use two apps at the same time to Google Assistant and more customization options are, for now at least, some of the features Android owners can claim as their own.