Who Lives Longer Wolverine or Deadpool?

Who Lives Longer Wolverine or Deadpool?

Deadpool has been confirmed to live at least over 1000 years and Wolverine is confirmed to live at least 300 years. Neither of them are completely immortal, they just age really slowly.

Why did Logan stop aging?

Like having a skeleton coated in lead, the metal leeches into Logan’s body over time. It takes years to have a major effect, but by 2029, the year “Logan” is set, the adamantium has so weakened Logan that he’s aging at a normal rate and struggling to heal himself after injuries.

What is Wolverine’s lifespan?

The typical longevity of a wolverine in captivity is around 15 to 17 years, but in the wild the average lifespan is more likely between 8 and 10 years.

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How fast do Wolverine and Deadpool age?

Both Wolverine and Deadpool age very slowly, thanks to their regenerative healing and general mutant abilities. Logan, in particular, has gone through some very rough events during the time he has existed.

Does Deadpool heal slower as he gets older?

In Messiah War Deadpool heals slower as he got older, isn’t his healing factor from Wolverine’s DNA Yea, but it’s unique in it’s own ways. Like Deadpool could have most of his shot out of his head but if Wolverine got hit like that Wolverine would die and Deadpool will heal.

Why does Wolverine age so slowly?

Thanks to Wolverines healing factor he ages very slowly. He has been in his prime for an extremely long time. After he got his powers at a young age, did he stay at that age for a long time? It always seems like the aging suppressant only kicks in when he’s older.

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How similar are Wolverine and Deadpool’s superpowers?

While some of their superpowers, like regenerative healing, are quite similar, some couldn’t be more different. Wolverine and Deadpool are two very comparable characters. Not only because both of them are mutants but also because fans share a love and hate relationship with them.
