Tips and tricks

Who selected IAS officer?

Who selected IAS officer?

All IAS officers, regardless of the mode of entry, are appointed by the President of India. Only about 180 candidates out of over 1 million applicants, who apply through CSE, are successful, a success rate of less than 0.01 per cent.

What is IAS scholarship?

Recently Sonu Sood has launched the IAS Scholarship Scheme initiative Sambhavam for the IAS aspirants. The scholarship announced by the Bollywood actor aims to assist the Civil Service Aspirants by giving them financial and moral support to crack the most prestigious UPSC exam.

What is the fee structure of RC Reddy IAS coaching in Hyderabad?

Ans:- if you want to know the overall fee structure of RC Reddy IAS coaching institute in Hyderabad it will be around Rs. 1,50,000 including GST. It will cover IAS prelims fees for IAS mains fees and optional IAS coaching fees. Can I take classes in RC Reddy with just only IAS mains preparation?

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Is RC Reddy good for civil services?

I won’t say RC Reddy is good for civil services because I’m not satisfied with my coaching. Some lectures are not done their job well. I started my coaching in 2016–2017 (August to April) and fees was 135000/Rs (General studies and optional) and now it was 145000/Rs .

What are the fees for IAS without optional classes in Hyderabad?

In case you are looking to take just general studies without optional classes with RC Reddy IAS institute in Hyderabad then the fees would be Rupees 159300 rupees 123900. If you are willing to take just optional IAS classes in Hyderabad with RC Reddy IAS Institute then the fees would be e

What are the fees of the IIT JEE coaching?

I started my coaching in 2016–2017 (August to April) and fees was 135000/Rs (General studies and optional) and now it was 145000/Rs . Before joining to the coaching centres just ask the one who completed coaching in particular Institution.