
Who used mortars in ww2?

Who used mortars in ww2?

Testing took place in the late 1930s, and the first order for 1,500 M2 mortars was placed in January 1940. The weapon was used throughout World War II by the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps. It saw service again in the Korean War, and by French forces in their counterinsurgency campaigns in Indochina and Algeria.

Which nation had the best army in ww2?

In September 1939 the Allies, namely Great Britain, France, and Poland, were together superior in industrial resources, population, and military manpower, but the German Army, or Wehrmacht, because of its armament, training, doctrine, discipline, and fighting spirit, was the most efficient and effective fighting force …

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Who used mortars first ww1?

French use The mortar was first introduced in 1915 as the Mortier de 240 mm CT (“court de tranchee”). It was a short barreled version which fired a 192 pounds (87 kg) bomb for 1,125 yards (1,029 m), using a propellant charge of 1 lb 9 oz (710 g). Its first major use was in the Champagne offensive of September 25, 1915.

What countries used mortars in ww1?

Stokes mortar

3 inch Stokes mortar
Used by British Empire Belgium French Third Republic Kingdom of Greece Kingdom of Italy Paraguay Netherlands Second Polish Republic Portugal Commonwealth of the Philippines United States
Wars World War I World War II Banana Wars Chaco War
Production history
Designer Sir Wilfred Stokes KBE

What was the most common American weapon in ww2?

M1 Garand
The M1 Garand was the first standard-issue semi-automatic rifle, and General George S. Patton called it “the greatest battle implement ever devised”. In 1936, the Garand officially replaced the M1903 Springfield, becoming the standard service rifle of the United States Armed Forces.

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Do Navy Seals use mortars?

CAMP GEIGER, N.C. — Expeditionary readiness is always a priority, whether in a battalion-size force or a four-man fire team. “In the event they find the need for mortars while deployed, they will be able to operate them themselves.” …

Which countries used mortars in ww1?

Was the 81mm mortar used in WW2?

Despite its weight though, the 81mm mortar was an important part of the Table of Organization and Equipment of U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps maneuver battalions throughout World War II. It was even a tool used by airborne units, and was dropped in parachute bundles during Operations Neptune, Market Garden, and Varsity.

Why was the mortar so ineffective in WW2?

Mortars can fire (using forward observer) in the “impossible” situation – like city fight, where tall building separate firing position and target. This particular hybrid appeared to be ineffective because of smaller caliber, limited ammunition and it was not possible to train every infantryman to become proficient enough with it.

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Can a mortar be as good as traditional artillery?

Obviously, when the weapon and its ammunition is carried in the backpacks – you can not have a lot of it. No way mortar could compete with classic horse- and truck-towed artillery in distance, accuracy and the ability to deliver thousands of shells to the target. Mortars excel in other areas.

What is the range of an M1 mortar?

With a full increment charge and a 6.87-pound M43A2 high explosive round, the M1 mortar could hit a target almost 3,300 yards away, giving it a significant range advantage over the 60mm M2 mortar.