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Who was being treated during Kurukshetra war?

Who was being treated during Kurukshetra war?

Apart from the one hundred Kaurava brothers, headed by Duryodhana himself and his brother Dussasana, the Kauravas were assisted on the battlefield by Drona and his son Ashwatthama, the Kauravas’ brother-in-law Jayadratha, the Brahmin Kripa, Kritavarma, Shalya, Sudakshina, Bhurishravas, Bahlika, Shakuni, Bhagadatta and …

What was the age of Arjun during Mahabharata war?

Yudhishthir – 91 years; Bheem – 90 years; Arjun – 89 years; Nakul & Sahdev – 88 years.

What are some of the military strategies used in the Mahabharata?

Indian epics abound in detail on military strategies ,tactics and details of Battle formations of the army. In preparation of the Mahabharata War, Lord Krishna used all the guile of Military Strategies. Some of the Strategies. Preventing Vidhura from entering the Battle field. Sidelining Karna till the tenth day or the death of Bhishma.

What happened after the Mahabharata war?

The same thing happened in the modern World War, which was actually just a war around the world. But the Mahabharata war was one massacre at one single place, and nobody went back. None of the kings or soldiers returned to tell what happened.

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Did advanced science exist in the Mahabharata?

When we read the Mahabharata we could observe incredible weapons that were very powerful in magnitude frequently used in the war. The descriptions of these weapons clearly indicates an advanced science that possibly existed. How could this be possible?

What is the total death toll in the Mahabharata?

In the Mahabharata the total death toll amounts to around 1.6 billion in a matter of 18 days. How could this be possible unless and otherwise there is an involvement of weapons of mass destruction. Modern archeological surveys have slowly started to provide us valuable clues of the war.
