
Who was the bravest Stark?

Who was the bravest Stark?

3 Jon Snow He even comes back from the dead, becoming Thrones’ ultimate hero. Jon might be the bravest of the Starks, but the last two seasons really did a number on him, making him more foolish than necessary. Heroes need more than courage to survive in Westeros — they need a sharp and agile mind that Jon never had.

Was Ned Stark bad?

Ned was the good guy, he played by the rules “good guys” played at. It’s just that he went from ultimate authority in the North to King’s Landing, where he was the Hand and despite his honour, he needed to play by a different set of rules.

Why Eddard Stark was killed?

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A deal is struck in which Ned will be spared and sent into exile if he declares Joffrey the rightful king. Fearing for his daughters, Ned makes a public confession of his “treason”. The sadistic Joffrey, however, has Ned executed anyway for his own amusement.

Who is the worst character in Game of Thrones?

15 Worst Game Of Thrones Characters, Ranked 1 Ellaria Sand. 2 Olly. 3 Lancel Lannister. 4 Loras Tyrell. 5 Meera Reed. 6 The Waif. 7 Hizdahr zo Loraq. 8 Bran Stark. 9 Robin Arryn. 10 Doran Martell.

Are the Starks the most vicious house in Game of Thrones?

While the Starks are undoubtedly one of the most honorable houses in Westeros, they could also be as vicious as others in Game of Thrones.

Who are the top 10 most powerful characters in Game of Thrones?

1 Ellaria Sand. 2 Olly. 3 Lancel Lannister. 4 Loras Tyrell. 5 Meera Reed. 6 The Waif. 7 Hizdahr zo Loraq. 8 Bran Stark. 9 Robin Arryn. 10 Doran Martell.

Who is Robb Stark in Game of Thrones?

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Robb Stark was one of the most popular characters in the earlier seasons, playing the role of an archetypical fantasy hero. Robb took the war to the Lannisters to get revenge after they executed Ned Stark. He was a fierce warrior and commander, winning every battle he fought in the War of Five Kings.