
Who were friends of Lord Krishna?

Who were friends of Lord Krishna?

Gift. Sudama was Lord Krishna’s classmate and a very intimate friend. Lord Krishna was a King. Sudama was an impoverished poor Brahmin.

Why did Sudama wife tell Sudama to go to Lord Krishna?

Answer: Sudama’s wife suggest him to go to Krishna because Sudama was very poor and Krishna was his best friend so he could help him.

What did Sudama wife?

Susheela was the wife of Sudama.

What did Sudama find when he returned home?

Sudama thanked Krishna and left the palace. And it is said, when Sudama went back to his home, he found his whole house was transformed, and he had all the riches in his house. His wife was very happy. Somebody had come with a lot of gifts.

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Who is the best friend of Radha?

Lalita resides in Yavat and is famous as Radha’s constant companion. She is the personification of Khandita Bhava and the leader of the parama-prema sakis. Her kunja, the color of lightning, is the largest and is situated on the North side of Vrindavan.

Are Radha and Krishan the same person?

A common question that is often asked about Radha and Krishan is – are they the same person? Many scholars believe that to be the case. Lord Krishna is known to have different energies. So, his avatar as Krishna is a manifestation of his external energies whereas his internal strength is Radha – an incarnation of Shakti on earth.

What is the relationship between Lord Krishna and his wives?

“Lord Krishna’s behavior with His wives is never to be understood as mundane sex relation. The women who became the wives of the Lord are certainly not ordinary women, because to get the Lord as one’s husband is the result of many, many millions of births’ tapasya (austerity).

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Why did Radha go to live in Krishna’s Palace?

One of the many versions of Radha and Krishna’s relationship suggest that Radha went to live is Krishna’s palace just to be close to her eternal love, as she felt that distance between them was affecting the deep spiritual connection they shared. 9. Krishna, Rukmini and Radha

How did Krishna appear as a young man?

Once alone with the girl, Krishna appeared in his avatar as a grown young man and asked the girl if she remembered the time spent with him in heaven. The girl was his eternal beloved, Radha, and the two reunited on earth on a beautiful meadow amid rain.