Why are Indian people so good at coding?

Why are Indian people so good at coding?

Indian Coders Are Intellectual Personalities Most Indians are good at mathematics. So, they have a good foundation for problem-solving as well as logic building. This helps a lot in the coding process. Because Indians have always been good in Maths, they are good programmers and coders.

Why is computer science popular in India?

Why is Computer Science in such high demand? Countless students in India choose Computer Science as a major because of the promising career opportunities. Students who major in this field learn academic skills like programming, problem-solving, and leadership, among others.

Why is computer science so sought after?

Computer scientists make the world better As we live in a digital age, most industries rely on data and software programmes. Computer Science & IT impacts everything, from scientific research to health development, transport, banking, communications, you name it.

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Is CS popular in India?

One place that is familiar with high CS enrollments is India. In India, CS at the top engineering schools is so popular that in 2014, 85 of the top 100 ranked engineering students in India chose CS as their major [18].

Which country is famous for coding?

#1: China. Just barely edging out Russia, China came in at no. 1 for the best performing computer programmers on HackerRank overall. When it comes to specific types of challenges, China is the best performing country in data structure, mathematics, and functional programming.

What are the advantages of studying Computer Science in India?

The notion that every Indian who studies computer science WILL be employed and that employment will be in an an air-conditioned office. (3). A good way to kill time because Indians do not have many other options for entertainment. One will be able to rediscover oneself again and again. (4).

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What is the contribution of ancient India to science and Technology?

Research has shown that from making the best steel in the world to teaching the world to count, India was actively contributing to the field of science and technology centuries long before modern laboratories were set up. Many theories and techniques discovered by the ancient Indians have created and strengthened the fundamentals

Why do so many Indians go into computer science/engineering/medicine?

Many Indians go into law/engineering/medicine, not so much for research and postgrad, moreso for high-earning jobs. Medicine and law take more formal educa Generally, in most countries around the world, there is a rapidly increasing interest in computers.

Is computer science a good way to kill time in India?

A good way to kill time because Indians do not have many other options for entertainment. One will be able to rediscover oneself again and again. (4). Most Indians do have some math background and hence it is easy to “endure” computer science. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.