
Why did John Carter fail?

Why did John Carter fail?

John Carter was doomed to failure almost from the moment they started putting the words John Carter on the movie’s posters. It didn’t help sell the picture or get anyone who wasn’t already aware of what Burroughs books were about, interested. Instead it turned those people off.

How much money did John Carter lose?

John Carter is the reigning champion of financial loss, with Disney taking a $200 million write down on the box office disaster….John Carter.

Budget: $263.7 million Financed by: Disney
Domestic Gross: $73,078,100 Overseas Gross: $211,061,000

Is John Carter a bad movie?

John Carter was a really terrific film that was marketed in just about the worst possible way. It crashed and burned with critics—some of whom mistakenly believed it was ripping off Star Wars rather than the other way around. Others, like Roger Ebert, didn’t understand the whole Sword & Planet genre to begin with.

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Is John Carter worth watching?

While John Carter wasn’t the success Disney had hoped it would be, it’s not a bad movie — in fact, there are a lot of redeeming qualities to John Carter that make it worth revisiting. While John Carter certainly has its flaws, it’s an awe-inspired spectacle.

What happened to Taylor Kitsch?

If you haven’t heard of Taylor Kitsch, he was the star of John Carter. His career has been on-again-off-again since then. He starred in Battleship and True Detective Season 2 but didn’t return for season 3. Now it’s rumored that he’ll be starring in a new series called The Grand Tour with Jeremy Clarkson and James May.

Is there a 2nd John Carter?

Walt Disney Studios never went through with making John Carter 2, despite having plans for turn the first movie into a franchise. Why? Disney’s John Carter 2 never happened, despite having all of the trappings associated with a franchise-starting film.

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Has any Disney movie flopped?

In 1985, Disney made The Black Cauldron, which had a budget of $44 million. As of 1985, it was the most expensive animated film made at that time. It bombed, making only $21 million at the box office. Critically, it had mixed reviews as well, with a Rotten Tomatoes score of 55\%.