
Why did nebula not tell black widow about the Soul Stone?

Why did nebula not tell black widow about the Soul Stone?

Nebula didn’t pre-warn Nat and Clint because she didn’t realize that Gamora’s death was linked to the retrieval of the Infinity Stone.

What Stone did Rhodey and Nebula get?

Nebula (Karen Gillan) and James Rhodes (Don Cheadle) travel to Morag in 2014, where Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) found the Power Stone. And Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) travel to Vormir in that same time period to find the Soul Stone.

Who went with Nebula to get the stone?

This Nebula attempted to steal back all the Infinity Stones and to enable Thanos’ army to invade Earth in the process, but she was ultimately defeated by her alternate self and Gamora, who had decided to join with the original version of Nebula.

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How does Gamora find the Soul Stone?

Despite Gamora’s attempts to lie, Thanos revealed that he knew Gamora had found the Soul Stone, through the memories of the captive Nebula, and began to brutally torture her to force Gamora to reveal its location.

What is Nebula’s relationship with Red Skull and the Soul Stone?

Nebula has never actually been to Vormir, and doesn’t know about Red Skull, and the Soul Stone’s sacrifice. All she knows is that Gamora was taken there by her father, and the beloved Guardian perished in the process. Nebula had a small role in Avengers: Infinity War, especially compared to Endgame.

What happened to Nebula’s sister Gamora?

She just knows her sister didn’t come back. Well, that clears things up. Nebula has never actually been to Vormir, and doesn’t know about Red Skull, and the Soul Stone’s sacrifice. All she knows is that Gamora was taken there by her father, and the beloved Guardian perished in the process.

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Does Nebula’s cybernetic implant still work in Endgame?

While the Avengers take part in their time heist, Endgame sees a complication arise with Nebula. As it turns out, it doesn’t matter if she’s the Nebula from 2023 or the one in 2014, her cybernetic implants still operate on the same network.

Why did Nebula send Hawkeye and Black Widow to Vormir?

One of the questions that has remained in the months since Endgame arrived in theaters is about Hawkeye and Black Widow’s journey to Vormir for the Soul Stone. The idea is that Nebula knew what the price of the Stone was, and was therefore sending the pair of Avengers to their death.