
Why did The Hobbit have so much CGI?

Why did The Hobbit have so much CGI?

It all comes down to preproduction time. Since LOTR wasn’t well funded in the beginning due to very few people thinking it would work, they had to plan every detail , and CGI was so much more expensive back then. That’s why all of the extras have such detailed costumes.

Why did The Hobbit look so bad?

The Hobbit was shot in 3-D with an ultra high-speed camera for extra realism. People who saw it projected this way said that it gave them motion sickness. It was converted back to regular speed for most showings but that probably made a difference in the look. There was a general over-reliance on CGI.

Did Ian McKellen cry while filming The Hobbit?

McKellen says he cried during filming His most challenging role proved to be in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Digital Spy reported that during filming, the talented actor was so frustrated with the use of a green screen that he shouted, “This is not why I became an actor.”

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How did they make the Hobbits look so small in Lord of the Rings?

Instead of shooting the actors at different times, the director recorded them with cameras on two different sets. This allowed him to position the lens much closer to Gandalf, raising his stature. By placing the actor on a green-screen set, the director could digitally remove the background and merge the two images.

Why was Legolas CGI in The Hobbit?

Given that The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is set many, many years before the events of LOTRs, and Elves don’t really age anyway, AND quite a few years had passed since Bloom filmed the final LOTRs movie, Jackson utilized heavy CGI to make Legolas appear as if he never aged.

Does Ian McKellen hate The Hobbit?

When asked to elaborate on why The Hobbit made him miserable, McKellen told Time Out that he preferred the location shooting of LOTR. “It may be my impression but I don’t remember a green screen on The Lord of the Rings,” McKellen said. “If Gandalf was on top of a mountain, I’d be there on the mountain.

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Did Ian McKellen dislike Peter Jackson?

Director Peter Jackson said, “We felt sorry for him [McKellen] being, just, dumped in greenscreen land, and we wanted to make him feel a little bit better. In short, McKellen says, he was made to feel that he “belonged”.

Why was green screen not used in the first Hobbit movie?

Green screen was not used much in the first movie. With Smaug and the Battle there were challenges that made it more intense and dramatic to do it using green screen. Real life often looks fake on screen. Just as in books, if you wrote stories the way real life happens no one would believe them.

Why was The Hobbit filmed in stereo?

This CGI-heavy ethos was partly due to The Hobbit filming in stereo to facilitate the emerging trend of 3D cinema, where practical effects can sometimes by betrayed by the extra dimension.

Is ‘The Hobbit’ live action or CGI?

Once again, The Hobbit doesn’t carry that approach over, instead making full use of the updated CGI available. Entire characters are digitally rendered, and not just your Gollum s or giant trolls, the 2D miniatures from The Lord of the Rings are replaced by CG models, and entire sequences feel animated, rather than live-action.

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Is the Hobbit trilogy better than The Lord of the Rings?

Away from content and story, the Hobbit trilogy is also a huge visual departure from The Lord of the Rings. As an exercise in CGI, The Lord of the Rings was a landmark release, even if some of the effects haven’t aged particularly well by current standards.