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Why do Australians and Americans speak differently?

Why do Australians and Americans speak differently?

If you grew up in Australia, your accent is shaped by the history of Australia’s European settlement; if you grew up in New Zealand, your accent is shaped by a different history, so it sounds different. It’s automatic for us to talk in a similar way to the people around us and this feature is really strong in kids.

Why do Australians speak English differently?

The beginnings of the Australian accent “It emerged from a process called levelling down because you had all these people who came here on 11 ships from different dialect areas, regional dialect areas across England,” he said. “What our accent really is, is English with the dialect variations taken out.

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Is Australian English different from American English?

Australian English follows British spelling very closely but many common words are spelt differently in American English. Despite being spelt differently, the meaning of the word is the same. Australian and American English have different ways of spelling certain words, such as those ending with ‘yse’ or ‘ise’.

Why do Aussies have an accent?

Australian English can be described as a new dialect that developed as a result of contact between people who spoke different, mutually intelligible, varieties of English. The very early form of Australian English would have been first spoken by the children of the colonists born into the early colony in Sydney.

What do English people think of the new Australian accent?

At first, English people thought the new Australian accent was great. Unlike some of the strong accents and dialects used back in England, the Australian accent was clear and easy to understand, because it was developed by people trying to understand each other! Then, something changed.

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Why do Australians Sound British to British people?

And British descended Australian for a long time thought of Britain as “Home” and the British accent the proper way to speak. So there was pressure to keep the two accents close until about the 1960s. Australians do not sound British to British people. They sound just as different to us as Americans do.

What language do Australians speak?

Australia was originaly colonised by the british and as a result we speak english. Do Australians and Americans speak the same language? Yes, English is spoken by both Australians and Americans, though the dialects are different.

Why do American and British slangs sound so different?

(However, there is some British slang that Americans don’t realize they use.) An important reason why American English and British English sound different is rhotacism, the change of a particular sound in a language. In this case, that sound is “r.”