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Why do coastal areas have milder or less variable climates than inland areas?

Why do coastal areas have milder or less variable climates than inland areas?

Water has a higher heat capacity than soil and rock, so the ocean takes much longer to heat and to cool than the land. Coastal areas will generally have more moderate temperatures than inland areas because of the heat capacity of the ocean.

How do coastal climates differ from inland climates?

Coastal climates tend to have wetter winters and drier summers, whereas inland climates have more humid summers and drier winters. Coastal climates are typically limited to narrow strips along the edges of continents, whereas inland climates tend to occur over broad swaths of continental interiors.

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Why are coastal areas more stable climates?

Water has an especially high heat capacity at 4.18 J/g*C, which means it takes more heat to warm a gram of water. Therefore, coastal climates are much more temperate because a body of water is nearby to regulate the temperature and keep it more constant.

Why do coastal areas have lower temperature range than the areas inland?

Coastal areas have lower temperature ranges than areas inland, as proximity to water does not allow temperatures to go up beyond a limit during the day and does not allow to go down beyond a limit during night. This happens because specific heart of water is highest.

Why do coastal areas have milder less variable?

Why do coastal areas have milder, less variable climates than inland areas? Because oceans absorb the heat during the warmer months, so during the winter the heat is given off slowly which makes it so the temperature on the shore does not just drop. Oceans don’t freeze due to the salt in the water.

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Why do coastal areas have milder climate?

Large bodies of water, such as oceans, seas and large lakes, can affect the climate of an area. Water heats and cools more slowly than landmasses. Therefore, the coastal regions will stay cooler in summer and warmer in winter, thus creating a more moderate climate with a narrower temperature range.

Why are coastal areas likely to have more rainfall than inland areas?

The temperature of ocean currents influences both temperature and rainfall. Temperature: Oceans absorb heat during the day and release it slowly during the night. This helps keep coastal areas much warmer than inland areas. As a result, nearby coastal areas are likely to have higher levels of rainfall.

Why does a coastal area have less variation in temperatures than a non coastal area?

Why does a coastal area have less variation in temperature than a noncoastal area? The temperatures on land change more rapidly than temperatures on water. Which statement describes the impact of ocean currents on climate? Ocean currents create changes in the temperature of air over land masses.

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Why do coastal areas have mild or less variable climates than inland areas quizlet?

Why do coastal areas have milder, less variable climates than inland areas? Because oceans absorb the heat during the warmer months, so during the winter the heat is given off slowly which makes it so the temperature on the shore does not just drop.

Which of the following elements have four electrons in their outer shells quizlet?

Carbon has four electrons in its valence (outermost) electron shell. Therefore, it will form covalent bonds with four hydrogen atoms. The four electrons contributed by the hydrogen atoms will fill the valence shell of carbon.