Why do I rely on others to make decisions?

Why do I rely on others to make decisions?

Most of us do seek approval from others. We want to be part of a group, appreciated and liked by our peers. When we think of the “right choice”, too often we allow our decision to be guided by our perception of what other people might think about our choice, or what someone else might believe is right.

How do you stop making decisions based on what other people think?

I have realised there are three key elements;

  1. Step 1: Awareness. The first and most important part of the process is to be aware that we are doing it.
  2. Step 2: Challenge your assumptions. The second part of the process is about challenging those assumptions and thoughts.
  3. Step 3: Get in touch with your authentic self.
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How do I trust my own Judgement?

Tips for building trust in yourself

  1. Be yourself. If you fear how others will look at you or judge you, you might find it difficult to be yourself around other people.
  2. Set reasonable goals. Often, we aim high with our goals.
  3. Be kind to yourself.
  4. Build on your strengths.
  5. Spend time with yourself.
  6. Be decisive.

How do you make the best decision for yourself?

Tips for making decisions

  1. Don’t let stress get the better of you.
  2. Give yourself some time (if possible).
  3. Weigh the pros and cons.
  4. Think about your goals and values.
  5. Consider all the possibilities.
  6. Talk it out.
  7. Keep a diary.
  8. Plan how you’ll tell others.

What prevents individuals from trusting themselves?

Sometimes we lose trust in ourselves after we make a mistake or after someone criticizes us harshly or constantly. It can feel more difficult to make decisions when you can’t trust yourself because you fear you’ll make the wrong choice. Or you might be more prone to criticizing your own decisions after you make them.

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Why can’t I make a decision?

Indecision can also stem from anxiety. Fear of making the wrong decision and suffering consequences or remorse inhibits some people. Worry about making a mistake and feeling guilty, remiss, exposed, or ignorant is common. Sometimes, people are paralyzed by a fear of hurting or alienating another.

Do you let other people make decisions for You?

When we’re growing up, we get used to letting other people make decisions for us. Then, once we get older, it can be hard to turn off that habit. We may know that we technically can do something our parents or friends or partners wouldn’t like, but the guilt may feel like too much to handle.

How do you deal with other people’s opinions?

Remember that other’s opinions are based on their own limitations and limiting beliefs. Relying on someone else to make a decision for you diminishes your own power and confidence in your abilities. Consult with experts or others who have accomplished similar goals.

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Are You base your decisions on other people’s opinions?

One of the worst things we can do is to base our decisions on other people’s opinions. Most decisions we make have a ripple effect – sparking a chain of events that can affect others. As a business coach, I often find that when we come from a place of fear, we hesitate to make a decision.

How can I stop others from dictating my life?

“The key to making sure that others are not dictating your life is to be in touch with your own needs,” psychotherapist Mollie Eliasof, LCSW tells Bustle. “Learn about what makes you, on your own, happy and infuse it in your everyday decisions as well as large life choices.”