Tips and tricks

Why do people fire crackers?

Why do people fire crackers?

A firecracker (cracker, noise maker, banger,) is a small explosive device primarily designed to produce a large amount of noise, especially in the form of a loud bang, usually for celebration or entertainment; any visual effect is incidental to this goal. Firecrackers, along with fireworks, originated in China.

Is bursting crackers Indian tradition?

History is a proof that firecrackers are a legacy of the Chinese and the Mughals and in no way an inseparable part of Diwali. The bursting of firecrackers is a recent north Indian phenomenon, which gained prominence as soon as firecrackers were made accessible to the common man.

Who started bursting crackers on Diwali?

Deepavali, which is interpreted as the festival of lights, dates back to at least 2,500 years ago. That is much before the Chinese invented gunpowder in the 9th century. According to historians, it was not until the 13th century that firecrackers made their way into India through the Mongols.

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What will happen if we burst crackers?

Global Warming – Bursting crackers increase heat, carbon dioxide and many toxic gases in atmosphere, which causes rise in temperature of earth and polluted air leading to global warming. Noise Pollution – Loud cracker sound can affect human directly.

Why should we not burst crackers?

Crackers create high decibel sound and most people feel numbness in the ears after bursting crackers. It can also lead to deafness. Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrous Oxides and many other harmful gases are released because of crackers causing respiratory problems and diseases.

Why do we burst crackers during Diwali?

Thus it can be deduced that, the Hindus, thousands of years ago, came up with such simple yet effective solution of destroying harmful disease-borne-insects & germs, by simply exploding firecrackers (or lighting up as sparklers), in which saltpetre was the basic ingredient, thereby keeping water-borne & contaminable …

Why should we avoid bursting crackers?

Why you should not burst crackers?